
Sync bucket contents to a local directory, and watch remote changes to keep local state up to date. Currently only supports Google Cloud Storage.

Some motivating use cases are:

  • As an init container to copy bucket contents for a web server.
  • As a sidecar container to continuously watch for bucket changes, and update local assets for a web server.


For example, here we do a oneshot sync between the source bucket and some local directory with


If you want to use service account credentials, then use the env var GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/credentials.json. If not specified your application default credentials will be used, if they can be found.

You can also watch for change event notifications for your bucket. To do this, you must first do the following manual steps:

  1. Create a notification for your bucket gsutil notification create -t TOPIC_NAME -f json gs://BUCKET_NAME [1].
  2. Create a subscription for this topic: gcloud pubsub subscriptions create SUBSCRIPTION_ID --topic=TOPIC_ID [2].

Then, you can use the --watch flag like

bsync gs://BUCKET_NAME LOCAL_PATH --watch --subscription SUBSCRIPTION_ID

Which will first run the oneshot sync, and then run forever watching events and updating the local path with both new files, changes to existing files, and removed files.
