
Send notifications with services such as gmail

Primary LanguageGo


Send notifications with services like gmail.

To use this with Gmail do:

  • Create a new Google API credentials on GCP with oauth "send only" credentials [1], and download the credentials file to somewhere like $HOME/.secrets. Name the credentials google-credentials.json.

  • Setup with NOTIFY_FROM=from@gmail.com notify --setup. Use the --qr flag if you wish to print a QR code of the setup URL if you do not readily have browser access, nor wish to labor over copying the long URL.

  • Once setup, send an email like:

NOTIFY_FROM=from@gmail.com \
NOTIFY_TO=to@yahoo.com \
    notify --type gmail --subject "Hello friend :)"

For an example of how to use this in a systemd service that checks for system updates on arch, see examples/pkgupdate.
