
CS207 Repository for Fall 2018

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

CS207 Course Repository

This is the Fall 2018 CS207 course repo.

Please consult the course website https://iacs-cs-207.github.io/cs207-F18/ for specific course details including the syllabus, course policies, course schedule, and additional resources.

Course Workflow

All of your work (except for the class project) will be hosted on your private GitHub repo named githubusername/cs207_<firstname>_<lastname>. This repo will be a clone (or fork) of the main course repo. We will discuss how to set this up in the first lecture or two.

It is critical that you set up a private repo (free for students) and give the teaching staff access. There are two reasons for keeping this repo private. One is so that other students cannot see your work. The other reason is because the teaching staff will be providing comments and you may not want other students to see these.

The GitHub usernames for the teaching staff are:

  • dsondak
  • bkleyn
  • shiyunqiu
  • lee709

When you arrive at each class, you should pull from the base course repo. Make sure you push all changes to your repo before each deadline. We will be able to see if you’ve submitted your work on time or not.

The class project will be done in groups of 3 to 4. You should create a GitHub organization with your group members and teaching staff in it. The organization will be called cs207_groupname and the project repo should be called project. The group is free to make other repos within the organization for experiments, but project is the one we will grade.