We are using Riak(https://riak.com/products/) to store cookie sync data in database, to save storage space, data stored in Riak is using Erlang external term format (http://erlang.org/doc/apps/erts/erl_ext_dist.html#id101182) which similar to Protobuf, erlang language provide API to encoding/decoding this format, but for other language, looks like lack of support for this data format. For other backend service which written in different language like Java, Go etc to access database by using ETF format directly to save disk space, different language support to encoding/decoding is neccessary.

In our case, 2 months of cookie sync data stored in database(Riak) is around 27T with 3 replica spread in 400 hundreds node(server), to access database by use other service written in Java or Go can either waiting for 2 months until all data expired or using other format to store like JSON which are not good choice, this repository is Java Version of Erlang ETF converter.

Erlang external term format encoding/decoding for Java.

For other language support:

GoLang Version: https://github.com/henryzhao81/External-Term-Format-Go

In Erlang the BIF erlang:term_to_binary/1,2 is used to convert a term into the external format. To convert binary data encoding to a term, the BIF erlang:binary_to_term/1 is used.

Based on description of ETF format: http://erlang.org/doc/apps/erts/erl_ext_dist.html#id101182, following are the example of the implementation of term_to_binary and binary_to_term by Java.

To allow other application access those data without using erlang, following are the example of how to encoding and decoding, we are using Riak Java Client for demonstration to store and retrieve data from riak which currently all data are stored in ETF, for riak java client please refer to: https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client

Before start, add some testing data by using uds client, in erlang remote shell:

AdvId = list_to_binary (["adv_","2221"]). <<"adv_2221">>

AdvRtbData = list_to_binary (["rtb_data_","2221"]). <<"rtb_data_2221">>

ds_user_client:set_advertiser_rtb("68d09203-21ad-4dd0-2221-de689e61dffc", AdvId, AdvRtbData, dict:new()). ok

Verify data in remote shell:


{{dsu_server_adv_obj,[{{<<"adv_2221">>,<<"rtb_data_2221">>}, 1520977140346460}], [],[],undefined},

Testing data stored into riak.

Now start Testing using Java client to retrieve riak data which stored by uds client:

  //Create Riak Client
  RiakNode.Builder builder = new RiakNode.Builder();
  List<String> addresses = new LinkedList<String>();
  addresses.add("qa-database-riak-userdata-xv-02.xv.dc.openx.org"); //Using QA Riak for testing
  List<RiakNode> nodes = RiakNode.Builder.buildNodes(builder, addresses);
  RiakCluster cluster = new RiakCluster.Builder(nodes).build();
  RiakClient client = new RiakClient(cluster);
  Namespace ns = new Namespace("a"); //Advertiser Bucket

  //Retrieve Data from Riak
  byte[] newBytes = ETF.string_to_uuid("68d09203-21ad-4dd0-2221-de689e61dffc"); // erlang uuid:string_to_uuid
  Location location = new Location(ns, BinaryValue.create(newBytes));
  FetchValue fv = new FetchValue.Builder(location).build();
  FetchValue.Response response = client.execute(fv);
  RiakObject obj = response.getValue(RiakObject.class);
  if(obj != null) {
    Object object = ETF.binary_to_term(obj.getValue().getValue()); // Decoding, convert binary data to Tuple and List

  //Store New Data to Riak
  //Construct Data structure
  Object[] strLev1 = new Object[]{"adv_2227".getBytes(), "rtb_data_2227".getBytes()};
  Tuple level1 = new Tuple(strLev1);
  Object[] objLev2 = new Object[]{level1, BigInteger.valueOf(1520637005237699L)};
  Tuple level2 = new Tuple(objLev2);
  Object[] strLev11 = new Object[]{"adv_2228".getBytes(), "rtb_data_2228".getBytes()};
  Tuple level11 = new Tuple(strLev11);
  Object[] objLev22 = new Object[]{level11, BigInteger.valueOf(1520637005237690L)};
  Tuple level22 = new Tuple(objLev22);

  ErlangList lev3 = new ErlangList(new Object[]{level2}, level22);

  Object[] lev4 = new Object[]{lev3, null, null};
  Tuple level3 = new Tuple(lev4);

  //convert to binary
  byte[] newVal = ETF.term_to_binary(level3);// Encoding, convert Tuple and List to binary and store to Riak

  byte[] newkey = ETF.string_to_uuid("68d09203-21ad-4dd0-2227-de689e61dffc"); // erlang uuid:string_to_uuid
  RiakObject riakObject = new RiakObject();
  Location newlocation = new Location(ns, BinaryValue.create(newkey));
  StoreValue store = new StoreValue.Builder(riakObject)
    .withOption(Option.W, new Quorum(3)).build();

To Verify, we need using erlang remote shell to check if data really store into database correctly


{{dsu_server_adv_obj,[{{<<"adv_2227">>,<<"rtb_data_2227">>}, 1520637005237699}, {{<<"adv_2228">>,<<"rtb_data_2228">>},1520637005237690}], [],[],undefined},

Encoding/Decoding works.

All Data stored in Riak is using zlib to compress