Team-14 Project Access Website

Our Goals

We develop a chat bot for Project Access, aimed to address the NGO's problem that a lot of mentors' time is wasted because mentees often ask questions on basic information regarding University application - these information are usually readily available online, but are scattered and difficult to aggregate as an applicant. Our chat bot initially requests the user to input their details such as predicated grade, highest education type and taken courses, in addition to home country and target countries. Our chat bot is also intended to utilize web scrapers to aggregate publicly available information from university application websites (or perhaps integrate with services such as UCAS through APIs). We divide the chat bot into a front-end and a back-end, in order to be able to decouple the front-end and the back-end service, and only communicate via a REST API. With mentee information available and university/course information available, we intend for our service to perform matching between a mentee and several courses. When such matches are produced, not only does this potentially help to address mismatch/rematch occurrences, but also allows the chat bot to provide the user with more specific information regarding the tailored university + course combination. Thus, our backend service intends to provide two sets of APIs, (1) Information API and (2) Match API.