
Firefox add-on for a reload button as a page action

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Firefox add-on for a reload button as a page action

Keyboard Shortcuts

Command Windows / Linux macOS
Reload F5
Ctrl + R
+ R
Hard Reload Ctrl + F5
Ctrl + Shift + R
+ F5
+ Shift + R
Empty Cache and Hard Reload Ctrl + Shift + F5 + Shift + F5

Locale Licenses

The project is licensed under the MIT, though some localizations use already translated locale strings from other projects. Licenses for the strings taken from the Firefox/Chromium source repos are included in the other_licenses folder.

  • Firefox locale strings:

    • page_action_idle_title
    • page_action_busy_title
  • Chromium locale strings:

    • page_action_context_normal_reload_title
    • page_action_context_hard_reload_title
    • page_action_context_empty_cache_and_hard_reload_title


The icon color is customizable via userChrome.css. The icons use context-fill and context-fill-opacity to inherit colors from the stylesheet. By default, this functionality isn't enabled for anything but chrome:// and resource:// URLs. For it to work, you need to flip the svg.context-properties.content.enabled pref.

Then, in your stylesheet:

/* Example colors, you can use whatever you want */
#pageAction-urlbar-reloader_matt_tf {
    fill: red;
    fill-opacity: 0.75;

/* Browser action ID */
#reloader_matt_tf-browser-action {
    /* ... */

Move to the end of the url bar:

#pageAction-urlbar-reloader_matt_tf {
    -moz-box-ordinal-group: 2 !important;