- 1
Revamp the ReadME file the repo
#8 opened by henzyd - 0
Secure the DB
#29 opened by henzyd - 0
Create a logout endpoint for admin
#27 opened by henzyd - 0
Create a logout endpoint for users
#26 opened by henzyd - 2
Create signup endpoint for admin users
#17 opened by henzyd - 1
Deploy the API
#20 opened by henzyd - 1
Create a `Delete a property endpoint`
#15 opened by henzyd - 1
Create a `create a property endpoint`
#11 opened by henzyd - 1
Create a `update a property endpoint`
#12 opened by henzyd - 1
Create a `get all property endpoint`
#13 opened by henzyd - 1
Create an auth route checker
#10 opened by henzyd - 1
Add Authentication for the users
#3 opened by henzyd - 1
Create Property Model
#1 opened by henzyd - 2
Create a `get a single property endpoint`
#14 opened by henzyd - 1
Create login endpoint for a user
#9 opened by henzyd - 0
Implement an email notification that is sent to a user each time a property is created
#4 opened by henzyd - 1
Create signup endpoint for a user
#2 opened by henzyd - 0
Add Postman documentation to the endpoints
#7 opened by henzyd - 0
Create an API documentation for each endpoint
#5 opened by henzyd