React Flask Authentication
Open-source full-stack seed project that uses a React UI
powered by a simple Flask API Server
. React Flask Authentication sample can be used to bootstrap fast a new project using a tested development-ready
stack or simply for eLearning purposes by beginners. For newcomers, React is a popular Javascript library for coding user interfaces baked by Facebook and Flask is a leading web framework written in Python.
- React Flask Authentication - LIVE Demo
- LIVE Support via Discord - provided by AppSeed
Quick-start in Docker
Clone/Download the source code
$ git clone
Start the Flask API
$ cd flask-api
$ docker-compose pull # download dependencies
$ docker-compose build # local set up
$ docker-compose up # start the app
At this point, the API should be up & running at http://localhost:5000
, and we can test the interface using POSTMAN or curl
Start the React UI (use another terminal)
$ cd react-ui
$ docker-compose pull # download dependencies
$ docker-compose build # local set up
$ docker-compose up # start the app
Once all the above commands are executed, the React UI
should be visible in the browser. By default, the app redirects the guest users to authenticate.
After we register a new user and signIN, all the private pages become accessible.
General Information
The product is built using a two-tier
pattern where the React frontend is decoupled logically and physically from the API backend. In order to use the product in a local environment, a few simple steps are required:
Compile and start
the Flask API Backend- be default the server starts on port
- be default the server starts on port
Compile and start
the React UI- UI will start on port
and expects a running backend on port5000
- UI will start on port
(Optional)- Change the API port
- Configure the API port used by the React UI to communicate with the backend
Manual build
Start the Flask API
$ cd flask-api
$ # Create a virtual environment
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ # Install modules
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ # Set Up the Environment
$ export
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ # Start the API
$ flask run
Compile & start the React UI
$ cd react-ui
$ # Install Modules
$ yarn
$ # Start for development (LIVE Reload)
$ yarn start
Configuration (Optional)
Change the port exposed by the Flask API
$ flask run --port 5001
Now, the API can be accessed on port 5001
Update the API port used by the React Frontend
API Server URL - src/config/constant.js
const config = {
API_SERVER: 'http://localhost:5000/api/' // <-- The magic line
For a fast set up, use this POSTMAN file: api_sample
Register -
(POST request)
POST api/users/register
Content-Type: application/json
Login -
(POST request)
POST /api/users/login
Content-Type: application/json
Logout -
(POST request)
POST api/users/logout
Content-Type: application/json
authorization: JWT_TOKEN (returned by Login request)
Product UI
React Flask Authentication - Login
React Flask Authentication - Icons
React Flask Authentication - Colors
Links & Resources
- Ask for Support on Discord
- See for React Starters - index provided by AppSeed
React Flask Authentication - Open-source full-stack seed project provided by AppSeed App Generator