
Primary LanguagePython

Dockerhub available

docker pull beefmilf/macpaw-de_etl:interactive_etl

Terminal 1

Bring up the database

docker-compose up

Terminal 2

Drop into the container shell

docker ps
docker exec -it macpaw-de_etl_1 bash

Check some files or go futher

ls ~/.aws/ # boto3 requires credentials  
echo $PYTHONPATH # :/macpaw-de/src
which java 
java -version
find . -name *.jar # ./postgresql-42.2.10.jre6.jar
cat .files_cache 

Run pipeline, it will take some time

# script stores new filenames into ".files_cache"
# script creates database and tables if not exists
rm .files_cache 
python src/main.py -b data-engineering-interns.macpaw.io -k files_list.data -c .files_cache -a "Json S3 Parser" -m local[1] -d macpaw_de -u macpaw_de -dh database -p 220022

Terminal 3

Check database, tables exist and data is uploaded

# drop into the container shell
docker-compose run database bash
# use the psql client
psql --host=database --username=macpaw_de --dbname=macpaw_de
# list tables 
# count lines 
select count(*) from apps;


Remove docker

docker images
docker-compose down 
# destroy the volume and its data
docker-compose down --volumes

docker tag 07569f0b3991 beefmilf/macpaw-de_etl:interactive_etl
docker push beefmilf/macpaw-de_etl:interactive_etl

After running main.py pipeline you will see something like


And check database


Apps DB


Movies DB


Songs DB
