
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Module to interact with UGR's configuration files in order to obtain storage status information from various types of endpoints and upload the information to memcache. It leverage's UGR's connection check that it uploads to memcache to skip any endpoints it has detected as being "Offline". (If this information is not found, it is ignored and all endpoints are contacted)

So far it supports has been tested with:

  • Azure Storage Blob
  • AWS S3
  • Ceph S3
  • Minio S3
  • DPM via WebDAV
  • dCache via WebDAV



pip3 install dynafed-storagestats

This will install all necessary dependencies and create the executable '/usr/bin/dynafed-storage'

CentOS / SL 6

Python 3.4 is available from EPEL repository.

In order to install the above modules in python 3, pip3 needs to be setup. Since it is not in the repos, run the following command:

sudo  python3 /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/easy_install.py pip

Known issues


Make sure the user that runs it is able to read UGR's configuration files.

dynafed-storage -h
usage: dynafed-storage [-h] {reports,stats} ...

positional arguments:
    reports        In development
    stats          Obtain and output storage stats.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit



This sub-command is intended to be called by Dynafed's external scripts as specified in the option 'checksumcalc' to obtain and add checksum information files or objects checksum information, specially for cloud based storage endpoints that do not support the usual grid tool requests.

The checksums sub-command has two sub-commands itself:


Currently only S3 endpoints are supported.

A client gives the URL of the object (not the Dynafed URL, but the actual SE URL) and the type of checksum hash to obtain. If this information is found, it will be printed out to stdout, if not, 'None' will be printed out.

In its simplest form it is called with all three required arguments:

dynafed-storage checksums get -e [ENDPOINT_ID] -u [URL] -t [HASH_TYPE]

A more complex example specifying configuration file path, logging file and level, and verbosity:

dynafed-storage checksums get -v -c /etc/ugr/conf.d --loglevel=WARNING --logfile='/var/log/dynafed_storagestats/dynafed_storagestats.log' -e [Endpoint ID] -u [URL] -t [HASH_TYPE]


dynafed-storage checksums get -h
usage: dynafed-storage checksums get [-h] [-c [CONFIG_PATH [CONFIG_PATH ...]]]
                                     [-f] [-v] [-e ENDPOINT] [-t HASH_TYPE]
                                     [-u URL] [--logfile LOGFILE]
                                     [--logid LOGID]
                                     [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path to UGRs endpoint .conf files or directories.
                        Accepts any number of arguments. Default:
  -f, --force           Force command execution.
  -v, --verbose         Show on stderr events according to loglevel.

Checksum options. Required!:
  -e ENDPOINT, --endpoint ENDPOINT
                        Choose endpoint containing desired object. Required.
  -t HASH_TYPE, --hash_type HASH_TYPE
                        Type of checksum hash. ['adler32', md5] Required.
  -u URL, --url URL     URL of object/file to request checksum of. Required.

Logging options:
  --logfile LOGFILE     Set logfiles path. Default:
  --logid LOGID         Add this log id to every log line.
                        Set log output level. Default: WARNING.

Output options:
  --stdout              Set to output stats on stdout.

Currently only S3 endpoints are supported.

A client gives the URL of the object (not the Dynafed URL, but the actual SE URL), the checksum, and the type of checksum hash to add this information to the object. Nothing is returned unless the process encounters errors.

In its simplest form it is called with all four required arguments:

dynafed-storage checksums put -e [ENDPOINT_ID] -u [URL] -t [HASH_TYPE] --checksum [CHECKSUM]

A more complex example specifying configuration file path, logging file and level, and verbosity:

dynafed-storage checksums put -v -c /etc/ugr/conf.d --loglevel=WARNING --logfile='/var/log/dynafed_storagestats/dynafed_storagestats.log' -e [ENDPOINT_ID] -u [URL] -t [HASH_TYPE] --checksum [CHECKSUM]


dynafed-storage checksums put -h
usage: dynafed-storage checksums put [-h] [-c [CONFIG_PATH [CONFIG_PATH ...]]]
                                     [-f] [-v] [--checksum CHECKSUM]
                                     [-e ENDPOINT] [-t HASH_TYPE] [-u URL]
                                     [--logfile LOGFILE] [--logid LOGID]
                                     [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path to UGRs endpoint .conf files or directories.
                        Accepts any number of arguments. Default:
  -f, --force           Force command execution.
  -v, --verbose         Show on stderr events according to loglevel.

Checksum options. Required!:
  --checksum CHECKSUM   String with checksum to set. ['adler32', md5] Required
  -e ENDPOINT, --endpoint ENDPOINT
                        Choose endpoint containing desired object. Required.
  -t HASH_TYPE, --hash_type HASH_TYPE
                        Type of checksum hash. ['adler32', md5] Required.
  -u URL, --url URL     URL of object/file to request checksum of. Required.

Logging options:
  --logfile LOGFILE     Set logfiles path. Default:
  --logid LOGID         Add this log id to every log line.
                        Set log output level. Default: WARNING.

Output options:
  --stdout              Set to output stats on stdout.                           


The reports sub-command has two sub-commands itself:


Note: Only works with Azure and S3 endpoints

This sub-command is intended to be used to obtain file reports from the storage endpoints. At this time, what is being developed is to be able to create file dumps with the intention of using the for Rucio's integrity checks for cloud based storage such as S3 and Azure since other grid storage solutions like dCache and DPM have their own tools.

For more information on this file dumps: DDMDarkDataAndLostFiles

Usage example: This will create a file at /tmp/ containing a list of files under the 'rucio' prefix that are a day older from endpoints 'entpoint1' and 'endpoint2'. The filename is the endpoint's ID name in the endpoints.conf file.

dynafed-storage reports filelist -c /etc/ugr/conf.d -o /tmp --rucio -e endpoint1 endpoint2

reports filelist help:

dynafed-storage reports filelist -h
usage: dynafed-storage reports filelist [-h]
                                        [-c [CONFIG_PATH [CONFIG_PATH ...]]]
                                        [-f] [-v]
                                        [-e [ENDPOINT [ENDPOINT ...]]]
                                        [--logfile LOGFILE] [--logid LOGID]
                                        [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]
                                        [--delta DELTA] [--rucio]
                                        [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-p PREFIX]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path to UGRs endpoint .conf files or directories.
                        Accepts any number of arguments. Default:
  -f, --force           Force command execution.
  -v, --verbose         Show on stderr events according to loglevel.
  -e [ENDPOINT [ENDPOINT ...]], --endpoint [ENDPOINT [ENDPOINT ...]]
                        Choose endpoint(s) to check. Accepts any number of
                        arguments. If not present, all endpoints will be

Logging options:
  --logfile LOGFILE     Set logfiles path. Default:
  --logid LOGID         Add this log id to every log line.
                        Set log output level. Default: WARNING.

Reports options:
  --delta DELTA         Mask for Last Modified Date of files. Integer in days.
                        Default: 1
  --rucio               Use to create rucio file dumps for consitency checks.
                        Same as: --delta 1 --prefix rucio

Output options:
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-dir OUTPUT_PATH
                        Set output directory. Default: '.'
  -p PREFIX, --path PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Set the prefix/path from where to start the recursive
                        list. The prefix is excluded from the resulting paths.
                        Default: ''

Important Note: DEBUG level might print an enormous amount of data as it will log the contents obtained from requests. In the case of the generic methods this will print all the stats for each file being parsed. It is recommended to use this level with only the endpoint one wants to troubleshoot.


The purpose of this sub-command is to create storage accounting reports according to different formats that experiments might require.

At the moment only WLCG's JSON storage accounting file is available.

In order to create it, the user will have to create a 'site-schema' YAML file containing the site information. Please check in the 'samples' folder for examples on how to create these file. The '-s/--schema' flag is required and should point to this site-schema file.

Usage example: This will create file '/tmp/space-usage.json'

dynafed-storage reports storage --wlcg -c /etc/ugr/conf.d -s wlcg-schema.yml -o /tmp

reports storage help:

usage: dynafed-storage reports storage [-h]
                                       [-c [CONFIG_PATH [CONFIG_PATH ...]]]
                                       [-f] [-v]
                                       [-e [ENDPOINT [ENDPOINT ...]]]
                                       [--logfile LOGFILE] [--logid LOGID]
                                       [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]
                                       [--memhost MEMCACHED_IP]
                                       [--memport MEMCACHED_PORT] [-s SCHEMA]
                                       [--wlcg] [-o OUTPUT_PATH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path to UGRs endpoint .conf files or directories.
                        Accepts any number of arguments. Default:
  -f, --force           Force command execution.
  -v, --verbose         Show on stderr events according to loglevel.
  -e [ENDPOINT [ENDPOINT ...]], --endpoint [ENDPOINT [ENDPOINT ...]]
                        Choose endpoint(s) to check. Accepts any number of
                        arguments. If not present, all endpoints will be

Logging options:
  --logfile LOGFILE     Set logfiles path. Default:
  --logid LOGID         Add this log id to every log line.
                        Set log output level. Default: WARNING.

Memcached Options:
  --memhost MEMCACHED_IP
                        IP or hostname of memcached instance.Default:
  --memport MEMCACHED_PORT
                        Port of memcached instance. Default: 11211

Reports options:
  -s SCHEMA, --schema SCHEMA
                        YAML file containing site schema. Required.
  --wlcg                Produces WLCG JSON output file. Requires setup file.

Output options:
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-dir OUTPUT_PATH
                        Set output directory. Default: '.'


This sub-command is intended to be run periodically as a cron job in order to upload the stats into memcached so that Dynafed can use it to be aware of the storage capacity of the storage endpoints.

It contacts each storage endpoint, obtains available stats and outputs them according settings.

First run with the following flags:

dynafed-storage stats -v -c /etc/ugr/conf.d --stdout -m

This will printout any warnings and errors as they are encountered as well as the information obtained from each of the endpoints. If you need more information about the errors consider adding the "--debug" flag which will print more information at the end of each endpoint's stats. If you still need more, change the --loglevel to INFO or DEBUG, just be warned DEBUG might print a lot of information.

It is recommended to create a directory for the logfile, such as "/var/log/dynafed_storagestats/dynafed_storagestats.log", as the default is "/tmp/dynafed_storagestats.log".

When everything looks to be setup as desired, setup cron to run the following (add any other options that make sense to your site).

dynafed-storage stats -c /etc/ugr/conf.d -m --loglevel=WARNING --logfile='/var/log/dynafed_storagestats/dynafed_storagestats.log'

If instead of checking all configured endpoints, specific endpoint ID's can be specified with the "-e" flag:

dynafed-storage stats -c /etc/ugr/conf.d -m -e endpoint1 endpoint2

stats help:

usage: dynafed-storage stats [-h] [-c [CONFIG_PATH [CONFIG_PATH ...]]] [-f]
                             [-v] [-e [ENDPOINT [ENDPOINT ...]]]
                             [--logfile LOGFILE] [--logid LOGID]
                             [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]
                             [--memhost MEMCACHED_IP]
                             [--memport MEMCACHED_PORT] [--debug] [-m]
                             [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-p [TO_PLAINTEXT]] [--stdout]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path to UGRs endpoint .conf files or directories.
                        Accepts any number of arguments. Default:
  -f, --force           Force command execution.
  -v, --verbose         Show on stderr events according to loglevel.
  -e [ENDPOINT [ENDPOINT ...]], --endpoint [ENDPOINT [ENDPOINT ...]]
                        Choose endpoint(s) to check. Accepts any number of
                        arguments. If not present, all endpoints will be

Logging options:
  --logfile LOGFILE     Set logfiles path. Default:
  --logid LOGID         Add this log id to every log line.
                        Set log output level. Default: WARNING.

Memcached Options:
  --memhost MEMCACHED_IP
                        IP or hostname of memcached instance.Default:
  --memport MEMCACHED_PORT
                        Port of memcached instance. Default: 11211

Output options:
  --debug               Declare to enable debug output on stdout.
  -m, --memcached       Declare to enable uploading storage stats to
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-dir OUTPUT_PATH
                        Set output directory for flags -j, -x and -p. Default:
                        Set to output stats to plain txt file. Add argument to
                        set filename.Default: dynafed_storagestats.txt
  --stdout              Set to output stats on stdout.

Endpoints Configuration

In order to use the correct methods for each storage type some settings should be added to the endpoints.conf configuration file.


locplugin.<ID>.storagestats.quota: [api, 1b|mb|gb|tb|pb|mib|gib|tib|pib]

If this setting is missing, the script will try to get the quota from the endpoint using the relevant API. Failing this, a default quota of 1TB will used.


Will try to obtain the quota from the storage endpoint. If that fails a default of 1TB will be used.


The quota can be specify in bytes, megabytes, mebibytes, etc. Lower or uppercase.

locplugin.<ID>.storagestats.frequency: [ 600 ]

This setting tells the script the number of seconds to wait before checking the endpoint again according to the timestamp of the last check stored in memcache. The default is 10 minutes (600 seconds).


locplugin.<ID>.storagestats.api: [list-blobs]
list-blobs (deprecated: generic)

This setting will list all objects in a blob container and add the individual sizes. Each GET request obtains 5,000 objects. Therefore 10,005 objects cost 3 GET's.


locplugin.<ID>.storagestats.api: [list-files, rfc4331]
list-files (deprecated: generic)

This setting will list all objects behind the endpoint and add the individual sizes. For this method to recursively get all objects, the DAV server needs to header "Depth" with attribute "infinity". This is not recommended as it is an expensive method, can use a lot of memory and is susceptible to denial of service. Therefore this setting should be avoided if possible in favour of rfc4331


This setting will query the DAV server according to RFC4331.


locplugin.<ID>.storagestats.api: [list-objects, ceph-admin, cloudwatch]
list-objects (deprecated: generic)

This setting will list all objects behind the bucket and add the individual sizes. Each GET request obtains 1,000 objects. Therefore 2,005 objects cost 3 GET's.


Use this setting if Ceph's Admin API is to be used. The credentials of the configured user should have the "bucket read" caps enabled.


For AWS. Configure the cloudwatch metrics BucketSizeBytes and NumberOfObjects. This setting will poll these two. These metrics are updated daily at 00:00 UTC. Read AWS's documentation for more information about Cloudwatch.

locplugin.<ID>.s3.signature_ver: [s3, s3v4]

Most S3 endpoints should use the s3v4 signature auth version, and is used as default, but use s3 in case is needed.


Minio endpoints can expose metrics with a Prometheus client. The URL's path is assumed to be "/minio/prometheus/metrics". This replaces any existing path in the endpoint's configuration URL.

These are the metrics extracted:

  • minio_disk_storage_available_bytes
  • minio_disk_storage_total_bytes
  • minio_disk_storage_used_bytes

or for newer version >= RELEASE.2019-12-17T23-26-28Z

  • disk_storage_available
  • disk_storage_total
  • disk_storage_used

The quota/total_bytes can be overridden in the configuration file.


Minio endpoints can expose metrics with a Prometheus client. The URL's path is assumed to be "/minio/v2/metrics/cluster". This replaces any existing path in the endpoint's configuration URL.

These are the metrics extracted:

  • minio_bucket_usage_object_total
  • minio_bucket_usage_total_bytes
  • minio_node_disk_free_bytes
  • minio_node_disk_total_bytes

The quota/total_bytes can be overridden in the configuration file.

How it works

Simple Flowchart

When run the main function will read every configuration file in the directory given by the user (which defaults to /etc/ugr/conf.d), and will identify all the different endpoints with their respective settings and authorization credentials.

A python object belonging to a subclass of StorageStats, depending on the protocol to be used, is created for each endpoint containing all the settings and methods necessary to request and process storage stats and quota information.

Memcache is contacted to look for UGR's endpoint connection stats. Any endpoints flagged as "Offline" here will be skipped and flagged this will be informed in the output. For those that are "Online", or if they could not be found to have information will be contacted to obtain the storage stats. The information is then stored a dictionary attribute "stats" in each object.

The stats can then be output either to a memcache instance or the STDOUT, depending on the options chosen when invoking this script.

Warning/Error Codes

Keyword/Setting Status Code
Unknown General Warning/Error 000
Unknown/Invalid setting error 001
No Config Files / ID Mismatch 002
General Settings/DAV Plugin
cli_certificate 003
cli_private_key 004
conn_timeout 005
ssl_check 006
Invalid URL Schema 008
Unsupported Plugin 009
Azure Plugin
azure.key 010
S3 Plugin
s3.alternate 020
s3.priv_key 021
s3.pub_key 022
s3.region 023
s3.signature_ver 024
Storage Stats Scripts Settings
storagestats.api 070
storagestats.quota 071
storagestats.frequency 072
Memcached Warning/Errors
Unknown 080
Memcached Connection 081
Memcached Index 082
StorageStats Connection Warning/Errors
Unknown 090
Client Certificate Path 091
Server SSL Validation 092
Boto Param Validation Error 095
RFC4331 DAV Quota Method Not Supported 096
No Quota Given by Endpoint 098
Ceph S3 Bucket Quota Disabled 099
Connection Error 400
Element/Bucket/Blob not found 404
Endpoint Offline 503

Development setup

To install in "edit" mode, add the "-e" flag to pip3. This installs the package as a symlink to the source code, so any changes made are reflected automatically when running the executable.

pip3 install -e .


Fernando Fernandez – ffernandezgalindo@triumf.ca

Distributed under the Apache license. See LICENSE for more information.

