Webscraping (with Selenium and BeautifulSoup) and Automation Using Python

Project Description

This project consist of mutiple python files demonstrating elaborate webscraping programs that spans mutilple webpages using Selenium and BeautifulSoup with Python. The code design is rooted in making automation elegant with little hassle on re-application on any other needs. The codebase is well documentated, logged with the Python Logging module and fully type-annotated using the Python3.6> Typing Module, i.e

from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union, Tuple, Callable, Sequence, Noreturn

remark_on_job: str = 'Good'

container: List[Dict] = []

def func(num: int, input: Optional[Callable] = None, Union[Sequence, int]) -> NoReturn: ...

Interested in learning the Python Module?, check out this Real Python Guide.

Project Objective

Automating and designing a maintainable codebase for scraping mutiple webpages using Selenium and BeautifulSoup with python. Maintainable is the inspiration for this codebase design, hence why the Python Logging Module is also included.

So, ideally, the program should be splitted in four scripts, but since my client for this job requested them in single script, it in one now. You can divide and resolve import 👍 👍.

The basic schema design is stated below:

  • A script(soup.py) of a Python Class with it only attribute as the browser driver and it methods are function doing a singular scraping job.

  • A script(cooking.py) with a context manager variable calling each function and appending the scrape data to a list of dictionaries.

  • A script(chopping.py) responsible for managing extra transformation needed for the scrape data.

  • A script(create_log.py) to create logging for our code.

See, how maintainabilitiy is easy 👍 👍.

NB: Not all scripts are logged, so i'll recommend taking a look at aaspa.py, rhemda.py or starconferences.py.

Running the script

Run pip install -r requirement.txt in your activated virtualenv to have all needed dependencies.

The scraping are configured to run headless (i.e without a broswer GUI), but you can comment out it out.

Run python <python script> <tsv filename> <browser port> to execute the program or however you have rearranged yours.

If you prefer Pandas (as i did, not my client though), store your scraped data in dictionary format,a list of dictionaries is convertible into a Pandas Dataframe which is then written to tab seperated file format. If yow however decide to run the any of the python files, it expected that the data in it tsv would be different from your cuurent run.

I do hope my code brings good readability. 👍 👍