
sloria's dotfiles, rewritten as Ansible roles. Fully supports MacOSX. Red Hat and Debian support is good but not as complete.

a few neat features

  • zsh configured with prezto.
  • nice fonts for the terminal and coding.
  • iterm2 profile (w/ hotkey, themes, etc.)
  • anaconda python (Miniconda 3 distribution).
  • a tmux.conf that's pretty neat.
  • vim with vim-plug for plugin management. All configuration in a single file .vimrc.
  • pluggable. Everything is optional. Fork this. Remove what you don't use. Configure what you do use.
  • Mac packages installed with homebrew. Mac apps installed with homebrew-cask.
  • support for deploying to remote environments.

prerequisites (install these first)

  • ansible >= 1.6
  • homebrew (If on Mac OSX)
  • git (homebrew installable on Mac OSX)


  • Fork this repo.
  • Clone your fork.
# Replace git url with your fork
# NOTE: It is important that you clone to ~/dotfiles
$ git clone ~/dotfiles
$ cd ~/dotfiles
  • Update the following variables in group_vars/local (at a minimum)
    • full_name: Your name, which will be attached to commit messages, e.g. "Steven Loria"
    • git_user: Your Github username.
    • git_email: Your git email address.
  • Optional, but recommended: Update group_vars/local with the programs you want installed by homebrew, homebrew-cask, and npm.
    • osx_homebrew_packages: Utilities that don't get installed by the roles.
    • osx_cask_packages: Mac Apps you want installed with homebrew-cask.
    • npm_global_packages: Node utilities.
  • Edit local_env.yml as you see fit. Remove any roles you don't use. Edit roles that you do use.
  • Run the installation script.
$ ./bin/dot-bootstrap


Once you have the dotfiles installed you can run the following command to rerun the ansible playbook:

$ dot


There are three main commands in the bin directory for setting up and updating development environments:

  • dot-bootstrap: sets up local environment by executing all roles in local_env.yml.
  • dot: updates local environment by executing all roles in local_env.yml except for the ones tagged with "bootstrap".
  • dot-remote: sets up remote environments.

special files

All configuration is done in ~/dotfiles. Each role may contain (in addition to the typical ansible directories and files) a number of special files

  • role/*.zsh: Any files ending in .zsh get loaded into your environment.
  • bin/: Anything in bin/ will get added to your $PATH and be made available everywhere.



To install fonts on OSX, simply drag the .ttf files in misc/fonts directory onto the Font Book application.


The python topic installs the Anaconda Python distribution using the miniconda installer. The installation is entirely self-contained, and lives at ~/miniconda.


To import the iterm2 profile, go to your iterm2 preferences, and enable "Load preferences from custom folder" and select the iterm2 folder in the misc/ directory.

iterm2 profile

macosx keyboard settings

There are a few keyboard customizations that must be done manually:

  • Turning repeat speed up to 11.

Keyboard settings

  • Mapping Caps Lock to Ctrl.

Modifier keys

setting up remote dev environments

The remote_env.yml playbook can set up a minimal subset of these dotfiles on remote machines.

  • Copy remotehosts.example to remotehosts. The remotehosts file will note be added to version control.
$ cp remotehosts.example remotehosts
  • Add the remote hosts you want to target under the [remote] group of the remotehosts file.

Update the following variables in group_vars/remote:

  • dotfiles_user_home : Your user home directory.
  • full_name: Full name, for use in commit messages.
  • git_user : Your git user name.
  • git_email : Your git email.

Then run the dot-remote command.

$ ./bin/dot-remote

what if I only want your vim?

The following commands will install vim-plug and download my .vimrc.

After backing up your ~/.vim directory and ~/.vimrc:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim
curl -fLo ~/.vimrc

You will now be able to open vim and run :PlugInstall to install all plugins.


  • Full Debian and Red Hat support
  • Add more options to dot script, e.g. for skipping tasks


MIT Licensed.