
Exercises in the Python programming language and broader ecosystem.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Exercises in the Python programming language and broader ecosystem.



  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ w ] Anaconda [ y ]
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ w ] CircuitPython
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ w ] CPython
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ w ] MicroPython
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ w ] PyPy
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ w ] Stackless
  • [ w ] IronPython
  • [ w ] Jython

[ w ] Python syntax and semantics


  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] AIOHTTP
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Alpaca
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Altair
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Arch
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Beautiful Soup
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Bip44
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Black
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Bokeh
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Boto3
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Calplot
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Click
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Cookiecutter
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Cufflinks
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] CuPy
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Cvxopt
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Cython [ w ]
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Dash
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Dask
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Django
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Fabric
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Fastparquet
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Findspark
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Fire
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Flake8
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Flask
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Flask-PyMongo
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] HoloViews
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] HoloViz
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] hvPlot
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Ibis
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Imbalanced-Learn
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] IPyKernel
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] IPyMpl
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] IPython
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] IPyWidgets
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Jupyter Book
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Jupyter Notebook
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] jupyter-dash
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] jupyter-gmaps
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] JupyterLab
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] jupyterlab-widgets
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Jupytext
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Keras
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Lxml
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Manim
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Matplotlib
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Mezzanine
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Mpmath
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Mrjob
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] MyPy
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] nbconvert
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] NLTK
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Numba [ w ]
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] NumExpr
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] NumPy
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] numpy-financial
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] OAuthLib
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] OpenAI
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] OpenCV
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] OpenPyXL
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Pandas
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Pandoc
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Panel
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Pillow
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Pip
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Plotly
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] plotly-calplot
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Polars
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Pooch
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] PrettyTable
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Prophet
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Psycopg2
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] PyArrow
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] PyBroker
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] PyCaret
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Pydantic
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Pygments
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] PyMongo
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] PyQt5
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] PyQt6
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] PySpark
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] PyTest
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] PyTorch
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Pytz
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] PyViz
    • [Y] Anaconda. (2018). "PyViz: Dashboards for Visualizing 1 Billion Datapoints in 30 Lines of Python".
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] QuantStack
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Questionary
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Requests
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Requests-OAuthLib
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] RPy2
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] SchemDraw
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Scikit-Image
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Scikit-Learn
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Scikit-Surprise
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] SciPy
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] ScraPy
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Selenium
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] SpaCy
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Seaborn
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] SimPy
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Splinter
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] SQLAlchemy
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Statsmodels
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Streamlit
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] SymPy
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] TensorFlow
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Voila
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] Web3
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] webdriver-manager
  • [ h ][ d ][ g ][ c ][ p ] xlwings


  • [ RP ] Acsany, Philipp. (29 May 2023). "Choosing the Best Coding Font for Programming". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Acsany, Philipp. (15 Mar 2023). "How to Evaluate the Quality of Python Packages". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Acsany, Philipp. (22 Feb 2023). "The Terminal: First Steps and Useful Commands". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Acsany, Philipp. (19 Sep 2022). "When Do You Use an Ellipsis in Python?". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Acsany, Philipp. (27 Jul 2022). "Primer on Jinja Templating". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Acsany, Philipp. (20 Dec 2021). "Dependency Management With Python Poetry". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Agarwal, Malay. (08 May 2018). "Operator and Function Overloading in Custom Python Classes". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ajitsaria, Abhinav. (10 Jul 2019). "Build a Recommendation Engine With Collaborative Filtering". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ajitsaria, Abhinav. (12 Sep 2018). "Logging in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ajitsaria, Abhinav. (06 Mar 2018). "What Is the Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)?". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Amos, David. (17 oct 2022). "A Practical Introduction to Web Scraping in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Amos, David. (16 Sep 2020). "Numbers in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Amos, David. (30 May 2018). "Itertools in Python 3, By Example". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Anderson, Jim. (21 Sep 2020). "Python Practice Problems: Get Ready for Your Next Interview". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Anderson, Jim. (20 Jan 2021). "C for Python Programmers". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Anderson, Jim. (11 Sep 2019). "Python vs C++: Selecting the Right Tool for the Job". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Anderson, Jim. (25 Mar 2019). "An Intro to Threading in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Anderson, Jim. (14 Jan 2019). "Speed Up Your Python Program With Concurrency". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Anderson, Jim. (04 Apr 2018). "Introduction to Git and GitHub for Python Developers". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Arvai, Kevin. (20 Jul 2020). "K-Means Clustering in Python: A Practical Guide". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Bolovan, Ralu. (17 Oct 2018). "Python, Boto3, and AWS S3: Demystified". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Breuss, Martin. (09 Aug 2023). "Prompt Engineering: A Practical Example". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Breuss, Martin. (12 Oct 2022). "ChatterBot: Build a Chatbot with Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Breuss, Martin. (21 Sep 2022). "What Does if name == "main" Do in Python?". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Breuss, Martin. (01 Aug 2022). "Asynchronous Tasks With Django and Celery" Do in Python?". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Breuss, Martin. (15 Jun 2022). "Build Your Python Project Documentation With MkDocs". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Candido, Renato. (18 Jan 2023). "Working With Linear Systems in Python With scipy.linalg". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Castillo, Dylan. (20 Feb 2023). "Develop Data Visualization Interfaces in Python With Dash". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Currie, Ian. (13 Jun 2022). "The subprocess Module: Wrapping Programs With Python ". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Currie, Ian. (27 Apr 2022). "Why Is It Important to Close Files in Python?". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Danjou, Julien. (30 Jan 2018). "Python + Memcached: Efficient Caching in Distributed Applications". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] De Langen, Joska. (29 Jan 2020). "Python '!=' Is Not 'is not': Comparing Objects in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] De Langen, Joska. (13 May 2019). "Playing and Recording Sound in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] De Villiers, Charles. (27 Mar 2023). "How to Read Python Input as Integers". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Driscoll, Mike. (18 Mar 2019). "How to Build a Python GUI Application With wxPython". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Farrell, Doug. (14 Oct 2020). "Data Management With Python, SQLite, and SQLAlchemy". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Fincher, Jon. (03 Jun 2019). "Object-Oriented Programming in Python vs Java". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Fincher, Jon. (13 Mar 2018). "Python IDEs and Code Editors (Guide)". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Garcia, Miguel. (10 Jun 2019). "How to Make a Twitter Bot in Python With Tweepy". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Gruppetta, Stephen. (30 Aug 2021). "Using Python Optional Arguments When Defining Functions". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hansen, Chad. (20 Nov 2019). "Invalid Syntax in Python: Common Reasons for SyntaxError". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hansen, Chad. (29 Jul 2019). "Understanding the Python Traceback". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Herman, Michael. (24 Jan 2018). "Simplifying Offline Python Deployments With Docker". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hillard, Dane. (22 Jun 2022). "Effective Python Testing WIth Pytest". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hipschman, Dan. (10 Feb 2021). "Python Microservices With gRPC". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hjelle, Geir Arne. (17 Apr 2023). "Python's pathlib Module: Taming the File System". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hjelle, Geir Arne. (05 Oct 2022). "Minimax in Python: Learn How to Lose the Game of Nim". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hjelle, Geir Arne. (31 Aug 2022). "How Can You Install a Pre-Release Version of Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hjelle, Geir Arne. (11 Jul 2022). "Python and TOML: New Best Friends". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hjelle, Geir Arne. (04 Jul 2022). "Python 3.11 Preview: TOML and tomllib". RealPython
  • [ RP ] Hjelle, Geir Arne. (23 May 2022). "How to Publish an Open-Source Python Package to PyPI". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hjelle, Geir Arne. (08 Jul 2020). "Python import: Advanced Techniques and Tips". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hjelle, Geir Arne. (18 Dec 2019). "Run Python Version in Docker: How to Try the Latest Python Release". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hjelle, Geir Arne. (07 Jan 2019). "Python Type Checking (Guide)". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hjelle, Geir Arne. (22 Aug 2018). "Primer on Python Decorators". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hjelle, Geir Arne. (15 May 2018). "Data Classes in Python 3.7+ (Guide)". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Hoffman, Harrison. (16 Aug 2023). "Python Polars: A Lightning-Fast DataFrame Library". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ivancic, Kristijan. (27 Feb 2019). "Traditional Face Detection With Python ". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Jablonski, Joanna. (15 Oct 2018). "The Python range() Function (Guide)". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Jennings, Nathan. (21 Feb 2022). "Socket Programming in Python (Guide)". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Jennings, Nathan. (09 Apr 2018). "Python Debugging With Pdb". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Jones, Logan. (08 Jan 2020). "Exploring HTTPS With Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Jones, Logan. (29 May 2019). "Pointers in Python: What's the Point?". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Jones, Logan. (11 Mar 2019). "Managing Multiple Python Versions With pyenv". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] MacLeod, Cameron. (02 Nov 2020). "Fourier Transforms WIth scipy.ft: Python Signal Processing". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Mastromatteo, Davide. (27 Nov, 2019). "Python Descriptors: An Introduction". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Mastromatteo, Davide. (04 Sep, 2019). "Python args and kwargs: Demystified". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Matinde, Vincent. (12 Jul 2023). "Unlock IPython's Magical Toolbox for Your Coding Journey". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Mertz, James. (20 Feb 2019). "Reading and Writing Files in Python (Guide)". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Mertz, James. (25 Jul 2018). "Documenting Python Code: A Complete Guide". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Mogyorosi, Marius. (10 Aug 2020). "Pass by Reference in Python: Background and Best Practices". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Murphy, William. (10 Feb 2020). "Implementing an Interface in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ndlovo, Vuyisile. (21 Jan 2019). "Working With Files in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Nzomo, Mbithe. (19 Sep 2018). "Absolute vs Relative Imports in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (08 Mar 2023). "Python's Mutable vs Immutable Types: What's the Difference?". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (25 Jan 2023). "The Python Standard REPL: Try Out Code and Ideas Quickly". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (16 Jan 2023). "Python's Assignment Operator: Write Robust Assignments". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (19 Dec 2022). "Python's "in" and "not in" Operators: Check for Membership". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (12 Sep 2022). "Custom Python Lists: Inheriting From list vs UserList". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (29 Aug 2022). "Python and PyQt: Building a GUI Desktop Calculator". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (24 Aug 2022). "Python's exec(): Execute Dynamically Generated Code". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (03 Aug 2022). "Python Constants: Improve Your Code's Maintainability". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (27 Jun 2022). "Build a Tic-Tac-Toe Game With Python and Tkinter". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (02 May 2022). "Python's min() and Max(): Find Smallest and Largest Values". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (06 Apr 2022). "Build a Site Connectivity Checker in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (23 Feb 2022). "Python's assert: Debug and Test Your COde Like a Pro". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (08 Nov 2021). "Build a Command-Line To-Do App With Python and Typer". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (13 Oct 2021). "Python's property(): Add Managed Attributes to Your Classes". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (12 May 2021). "Write Pythonic and Clean Code With namedtuple". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (10 Mar 2021). "Build a Contact Book With Python, PyQt, and SQLite". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (16 Nov 2020). "Python and PyQt: Creating Menus, Toolbars, and Status Bars". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (28 Sep 2020). "The Python return Statement: Usage and Best Practices". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (29 Jun 2020). "Python's reduce(): From Functional to Pythonic Style". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (02 Oct 2019). "Using the Python zip() Function for Parallel Iteration". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ramos, Leodanis Pozo. (18 Feb 2019). "How to Run Your Python Scripts". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] RealPython. (31 Aug 2020). "Python 3 Installation & Setup Guide". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] RealPython. (29 Dec 2015). "Development and Deployment of Cookiecutter-Django via Docker". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] RealPython. (27 Oct 2015). "VIM and Python - A Match Made in Heaven". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] RealPython. (18 May 2015). "Django Development with Docker Compose and Machine". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] RealPython. (17 Apr 2015). "Dockerizing Flask With Compose and Machine - From Localhost to the Cloud". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] RealPython. (01 Dec 2014). "Deploying Django on Dokku". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] RealPython. (13 Nov 2014). "Twitter Sentiment Analysis - Python, Docker, Elasticsearch, Kibana". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] RealPython. (18 Aug 2014). "Flask by Example – Text Processing with Requests, BeautifulSoup, and NLTK". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Ronquillo, Alex. (30 Mar 2020). "How to Use any() in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Shaw, Anthony. (21 Aug 2019). "Your Guide to the CPython Source Code". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Shaw, Anthony. (22 Oct 2018). "Getting Started With Testing in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Shopeju, Habeeb. (20 Mar 2019). "13 Project Ideas for Intermediate Python Developers". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Solomon, Brad. (13 Jul 2020). "Learn IP Address Concepts With Python's ipaddress Module". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Solomon, Brad. (20 May 2019). "Unicode & Character Encodings in Python: A Painless Guide". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Solomon, Brad. (16 Jan 2019). "Async IO in Python: A Complete Walkthrough". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Solomon, Brad. (29 Aug 2018). "Python pandas: Tricks and Features You May Not Know". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Solomon, Brad. (11 Jul 2018). "Generating Random Data in Python (Guide)". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Stojiljković, Mirko. (16 May 2022). "Linear Regression in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Stojiljković, Mirko. (22 Jun 2020). "Hands-On Linear Programming: Optimization With Python ". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Stone, Rebecca. (15 May 2019). "Three Ways of Storing and Accessing Lots of Images in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Stratis, Kyle. (25 Apr 2022). "Combining Data in Pandas With merge(), join(), and concat()". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Stratis, Kyle. (25 Sep 2019). "How to Use Generators and yield in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Stratis, Kyle. (12 Feb 2019). "Supercharge Your Classes With Python super()". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Sturtz, John. (29 Jul 2020). "Namespaces and Scope in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Sturtz, John. (03 Jun 2020). "Regular Expressions: Regexes in Python (Part 2)". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Sturtz, John. (29 Apr 2020). "Regular Expressions: Regexes in Python (Part 1)". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Sturtz, John. (09 Mar 2020). "Defining Your Own Python Function". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Sturtz, John. (30 Jan 2019). "Python "for" Loops (Definite Iteration)". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Sturtz, John. (05 Sep 2018). "Conditional Statements in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Sturtz, John. (18 Jul 2018). "Lists and Tuples in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Sturtz, John. (20 Jun 2018). "Operators and Expressions in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Sturtz, John. (01 May 2018). "Python Metaclasses". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Sturtz, John. (17 Apr 2018). "Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Timmins, James. (06 Nov 2019). "When to Use a List Comprehension in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Timmins, James. (27 Mar 2019). "How to Stand Out in a Python Coding Interview". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Van De Klundert, Said. (30 Apr 2018). "Python Excpetions: An Introduction". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Van Schooneveld, Jason. (26 Oct 2020). "Python Module in Practice: How to Use the % Operator". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] VanTol, Alexander. (17 Jul 2019). "Create a Flask Application with Google Login". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] VanTol, Alexander. (21 Nov 2018). "Memory Management in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] VanTol, Alexander. (30 Jul 2018). "Python Code Quality: Tools & Best Practices". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Wilkerson, Chris. (18 Jan 2021). "Make Your First Python Game: Rock, Paper, Scissors!". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Wolf. (19 Feb 2020). "Null in Python: Understanding Python's NoneType Object". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Zaczyński, Bartosz. (10 Jul 2023). "Profiling in Python: How to Find Performance Bottlenecks". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Zaczyński, Bartosz. (22 May 2023). "How to Launch an HTTP Server in One Line of Python Code". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Zaczyński, Bartosz. (08 May 2023). "Build Robust Continuous Integration With Docker and Friends". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Zaczyński, Bartosz. (29 Mar 2023). "Builds a Maze Solver in Python Using Graphs". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Zaczyński, Bartosz. (19 OCt 2022). "Build a Tic-Tac-Toe Game Engine With an AI Player in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Zaczyński, Bartosz. (16 Mar 2022). "Build a Hash Table in Python with TDD". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Zaczyński, Bartosz. (11 Oct 2021). "Representing Rational Numbers With Python Fractions ". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Zaczyński, Bartosz. (09 Dec 2020). "Bitwise Operators in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Zaczyński, Bartosz. (12 Aug 2019). "Your Guide to the Python print() Function". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Zadka, Moshe. (16 Dec 2020). "The pass Statement: How to Do Nothing in Python". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Zadka, Moshe. (19 Oct 2020). "Python Booleans: Use Truth Values in Your Code". RealPython.
  • [ RP ] Zhané, Jaya. (25 Mar 2020). "SimPy: Simulating Real-World Processes With Python". RealPython.


  • [ y ] freeCodeCamp. (4 Oct 2022). "Learn Python by Thinking in Types- Full Course".
  • [ y ] freeCodeCamp. (25 Apr 2022). "Python + PyTorch + PyGame Reinforcement Learning - Train an AI to Play Snake".
  • [ y ] freeCodeCamp. (2022). "Python TensorFlow for Machine Learning - Neural Network Text Classification Tutorial".
  • [ y ] freeCodeCamp. (2021). "Scikit-learn Crash Course - Machine Learning Library for Python".
  • [ y ] freeCodeCamp. (9 Dec 2020). "12 Beginner Python Projects - Coding Course".
  • [ y ] freeCodeCamp. (7 May 2020). "Matplotlib Crash Course".
  • [ y ] freeCodeCamp. (15 Apr 2020). "Data Analysis with Python - Full Course for Beginners (Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn)".
  • [ y ] freeCodeCamp. (2020). "Intermediate Python Programming Course".
  • [ y ] freeCodeCamp. (19 Feb 2019). "Python Algorithms for Interviews".



  • [ g ] Dale, Kyran. (2022). Data Visualization with Python and JavaScript: Scrape, Clean, Explore, and Transform Your Data. O'Reilly.
  • [ g ] Eager, Eric A. & Richard A. Erickson. (2023). Football Analytics with Python & R: Learning Data Science Through the Lens of Sports. O'Reilly.
  • [ h ] James, Witten, Hastie, Tibshirani, Taylor. (2023). An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in Python. Springer.
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