General Information

Run the App:

run unit tests

cd project-6 
npm install 
truffle develop 
migrate --reset 

run the frontend:

cd project-6 
npm run dev
  • Contract Addresses:

    • FarmerRole: 0x6FA03e9436112440B38966f8a6d259eD59d77A43
    • DistributorRole: 0x49A08a85fA223c5DAf55e34946aC3ee77DE9a1e0
    • RetailerRole: 0xe871fefa7c22750Ae89C987A0127E481b322adFf
    • ConsumerRole: 0x47439e4673b90FB0dE730FC21aA9CD3c00e8f27E
    • SupplyChain: 0xa58013a1187bA02c33fB0c3eA712AEad2f931956
  • Libraries Used: Besides the libraries used in the starter code, library truffle-assertions is used in the test code: this is because the syntax no longer works for web3js version 1.0.0, and truffle-assertions is the library used to observe whether an event has been emitteed.

  • IPFS: IPFS is not used here.

  • Version Number: 1.0.0

  • Node version: v8.9.4

  • Truffle Version: v5.0.28

  • Web3 version: v1.0.0-beta.37


Activity Diagram

Alt activity

Sequence Diagram

Alt sequence

State Diagram

Alt state

Class Diagram

Alt class