
React application that fetches and renders the list of dashboards available to a DHIS2 user

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React application that fetches and renders the list of dashboards available to a DHIS2 user

Live demo


Getting Started

First, clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/herberthk/Frontend-test.git

Next, install dependencies:

npm install
# or
yarn add
# or
pnpm install

Configure environment variables

Create .env file and put in environment variables available in .env.example file

Generate environment variables types

npm run gen-env
# or
yarn gen-env
# or
pnpm gen-env

Run development server

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Run integration tests in another terminal

npm run test
# or
yarn test
# or
pnpm test

Run lint

npm run lint
# or
yarn lint
# or
pnpm lint

Tech stack

  • Next.js 14
  • Typescript
  • Zustand (for state management)
  • Mantine UI (For UI components)
  • Playwright (For integration tests)
  • Eslint (For strict linting and formatting rules)



Decision made

  • Mantine UI (Provides variety of UI components and hooks for React and easy to use)
  • Zustand (It is Redux alternative that is easy to setup and use, it is also compatible with redux extensions)
  • Playwright (It is cypress alternative that is more performant with easy to use API)