
Here's the code for the Alertify website. It's a simple landing page which is based on the Kodax Theme we bought (http://themeforest.net/item/kodax-full-screen-landing-page/3634009). You can read the whole story here: http://blog.herbigt.com/goodbye-alertify

Primary LanguageHTML

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 Thankyou for purchasing HTML and CSS this theme.
\fs28 \

\fs24 \
If you have any issues please do not be afraid to ask for help. The best way to contact me is via twitter at @alexvanderzon. \
This theme uses the latest in web standards - (CSS3 and HTML5) (for the best results use a modern browser such as Chrome or Safari.)\
I am also available to add you content for you and build the site*.\
Alex Vanderzon\
*additional costs apply}