PajeNG (Paje Next Generation) is a re-implementation (in C++) and direct heir of the well-known Paje visualization tool for the analysis of execution traces (in the Paje File Format) through trace visualization (space/time view). The tool is released under the GNU General Public License 3. PajeNG comprises the libpaje library, the space-time visualization tool in pajeng and a set of auxiliary tools to manage Paje trace files (such as pj_dump and pj_validate). It was started as part of the french INFRA-SONGS ANR project. Development has continued at INF/UFRGS.
Make PajeNG work with the new binary trace format(librastro+poti), which aims to increase the performance of the tool. To use the new format as input, one must use 'r' and the .rst file as parameters.Ex "./pj_validate -r rastro_file.rst" --working with pj_validate. --better performance if using the slightly modified librastro from my repository.