
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This tool analyzes the Liquid blockchain and logs useful information to track fees collected, assets issued, and outages.


You must have a Liquid node and Bitcoin node running. The Liquid node running should be synchronized. The Bitcoin node can be running with -connect=0 and listen=0 as it is just used to parse transactions.

This example assumes that the rpcuser and rpcpassword is rpcuser and rpcpassword. Change these inside liquidutils.py if you have a different user/password, or use a non-standard port for Liquid or Bitcoin.


Run get-peg-in-stats.py to parse the Liquid chain. Results are logged to "liquid.db", an sqlite3 database. There are 5 tables:

  • pegs - tracks peg-in and peg-out transactions
  • issuances - tracks asset issuance
  • outages - tracks intervals greater than 15 minutes where the network is not operational.
  • missing_blocks - tracks blocks that were not generated and determines which functionary failed to create the block
  • fees - tracks fees collected in each block

The tool remembers where it last ran and can be run periodically to get more recent updates.



This systemd service file is used to control the liquid-stats container. Before running, it first pulls the latest version, which allows us to simply push a new container to the registry without having to SSH into any boxes to deploy.

It mounts /home/bs/liquid.db as the DB file, which allows us to use this file for other services.


This systemd timer simply triggers the service with the same name every 5 mins. A systemctl enable liquid-stats.timer && systemctl start liquid-stats.timer makes sure the timer is started, even after reboots.