
After the screenshots you can find instructions about the project and how to run it on your computer.


App developed during NLW using Next.js

Click here to access a deployed version of the app.

What is NLW?

NLW is an event provided by Rocketseat where you can learn a lot and get together with people looking for using technology to change their lives.

Cool things on the project

  • Firebase Auth and Database
  • React Hooks
  • SASS
  • react-hot-toast lib
  • classnames lib
  • TypeScript


Download the repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:herculesgabriel/nlw-06-reactjs-letmeask.git

// or
$ git clone https://github.com/herculesgabriel/nlw-06-reactjs-letmeask.git

Go into the folder:

cd nlw-06-reactjs-letmeask

Install dependencies:

npm install

// or using yarn

Run it:

npm run start

// or using yarn
yarn start