
FullCycle Challenge01 - Docker Compose + Nginx + Node + MySQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FullCycle Challenge02 - Docker + NodeJs + MySQL + Nginx

Repo containing the challenge 02 from FullCycle 2.0 course (Code Education by School of Net)

The Challenge 🎯

The challenge consists of:

  • Create a NodeJS app which insert a name on a MySQL table called "people" everytime it's accessed. Then display an h1 tag with "Full Cyle Rocks!" and all the names already inserted.
  • Use nginx as a proxy to call the NodeJS app. The URL http://localhost:8080 must call the NodeJS app.
  • Create a Docker Compose file to make it all happen.

How it works 🤯

There are 3 different containers:

  • app: contains the NodeJs app
  • db: contains the database where the NodeJs app will insert and retrieve the data
  • nginx: will deal the URL call

The app container is using Dockerize to wait the db container to be up and running. When a request to http://localhost:8080 is made, the nginx container will redirect to the app container on port 3000. Then the NodeJs app wil be executed. Data will be saved on the db container.

Setting up

For the MySQL container there is a predefined SQL script to create the table called "people". It's located on the init_file folder. In the Docker Compose file there are the following commands:

      - ./mysql/database:/var/lib/mysql
      - ./mysql/init_file:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d

The first command it's used to persist the data when the container is gone. The second command is used to create the table "people" if it does not exists.

Setting up

The NodeJs Dockerfile contains the following instructions:

  • Copy the current directory to the container
  • Wait the MySQL container to be up and running
  • Install the NodeJs app dependencies

Setting up

In the Dockerfile for Nginx the default.conf file is removed and then replaced by a new config file. This config file has specific instructions to call the NodeJS app on port 3000. Pay attention to this line:

proxy_pass http://app:3000

In this line Nginx will look for the container called app on port 3000.

Running instructions ✅

Clone this repository and then run docker-compose up -d. After that, access the URL http://localhost:8080.