
Credo360 public API allows 3rd parties to retrieve users' reputation information from Credo system. Currently, the API enables the following:

In the future additional capabilities will be added to enable 3rd parties to submit transaction and rating information to Credo system.

The root for all API requests is:


All requests to the endpoint listed in subsequent sections must include an Authorization header in the following form:

Authorization: client [clientId]

where, clientId is a unique identifier of the 3rd party making the request. Client IDs are distributed by Credo360 to our API partners.


Authentication endpoints allow a 3rd party client to verify ownership of a Credo ID by a specific user. The endpoints are:

GET /auth/:handleId      - to retrieve available authentication methods
POST /auth/:handleId     - to generate an authentication challenge
PATCH /auth/:challengeId - to validate an authentication challenge

The general workflow is as follows:

  1. The client generates an authentication challenge for the user. This may require querying the API to determine challenge methods available for a specific user.
  2. If the challenge is a passcode, Credo delivers a passcode to the user "out of band" (e.g. via SMS). The user then supplies this passcode to the client, and the client validates the passcode against Credo API.
  3. If the challenge is a signature, the client must sign the provided nonce with the user's private key and validate the signature against Credo API.

Retrieving Available Authentication Methods

Available authentication methods for a given user can be retrieved using the following endpoint:

GET /auth/:handleId

where handleId is the user's Credo ID.

Response from this endpoint will contain JSON in the following format:

  "methods": [ "passcode", "signature" ]

Where methods will contain an array of available authentication methods for the specified user. The following methods are currently possible:

Method Description
passcode Authentication can be performed using a randomly generated passcode which is delivered to the user "out of band"
signature Authentication can be performed using users' private keys; the user would have to register their public key with Credo system first

Generating Authentication Challenge

An authentication challenge can be generated using the following endpoint:

POST /auth/:handleId

Where handleId is the user's Credo ID. The endpoint also accepts the following URL parameters:

Parameter Description
method Defines the method which should to be used to generate an authentication challenge; possible values are: [passcode, signature]; the default is passcode

Response from this endpoint will contain JSON in the following format:

  "challengeId": "Zi4czDlpdMdP...3RRN9DQ",
  "method": "passcode",
  "expiresAt": 1528249689,
  "validation": {
    "length": 6,
    "attempts": 3,
    "delivery": "sms"

The meaning of the properties in the above object is as follows:

Property Type Description
challengeId string Unique challenge identifier; can be at most 160 characters long
method string Method used to generate the challenge; can be one of the following values: [passcode, signature]
expiresAt timestamp? Unix timestamp (in seconds) indicating the time until the challenge can be validated; this property is optional and, if omitted, the challenge never expires
validation object An object containing validation information for the challenge; the structure of the object depends on challenge method as described in the following sections

Passcode Validation

Passcode validation object has the following form:

  "length": 6,
  "attempts": 3,
  "delivery": "sms"

The meaning of the properties in the above object is as follows:

Property Type Description
length integer Number of digits in the passcode; must be between 4 and 8
attempts integer? Number of allowed validation attempts. This property is optional and, if omitted, the number of attempts is unlimited; when present must be a value between 1 and 5
delivery string Delivery mode indicating how the passcode was delivered to the user; possible values are: [otp, email, sms]

Signature Validation

Signature validation object has the following form:

  "nonce": "AedIRjmL72qsnE2uzNW8uVHU1Y...PqU5q5laRROPr9Q1P03drh2BZCVhLSa5i7cBOgt"

The meaning of the properties in the above object is as follows:

Property Type Description
nonce string Value to be signed with the user's private key; will be base64 encoded 256-bit value

Validating Authentication Challenge

An authentication challenge can be validated using the following endpoint:

PATCH /auth/:challengeId

Where challengeId is uniquer identifier of the challenge that is to be validated. The endpoint also requires a request body in the following form:

  "response": "783423"

Where response is:

  • A passcode provided by the user
  • Or a signature generated by signing the nonce value using user's private key

Response from this endpoint will contain JSON in the following form:

  "handleId": "02598397346"

Where, handleId is the Credo ID of the user for whom the challenge has been validated.

User Info

Information about a specific user can be retrieved via the following endpoint:

GET /users/:handleId

The response from this endpoint will contain JSON in the following format:

    "handle": {
        "id": "02598397346",
        "status": "valid"
    "profile": {
        "name": {
            "firstName": "Irakliy",
            "lastName": "K"
        "location": {
            "city": "Redondo Beach",
            "state": "California",
            "country": "us"
    "reputation": {
        "score": 288,
        "quality": "good",
        "segments": {
            "identity": {
                "score": 99,
                "quality": "excellent",
                "verifications": 8
            "behavior": {
                "score": 77.09,
                "quality": "good",
                "transactions": 157,
                "transactors": 56,
                "ratings": 42,
                "reviews": 1
            "endorsements": {
                "score": 82,
                "quality": "good",
                "contacts": 12,
                "averageScore": 262,
                "reviews": 2
    "verifications": {
        "email": {
            "score": 5,
            "verifiedOn": 1524046183116
        "phone": {
            "countryCode": 1,
            "areaCode": "760",
            "last2digits": "12",
            "score": 40,
            "verifiedOn": 1527368780427
        "facebook": {
            "friends": 640,
            "score": 49,
            "verifiedOn": 1512764091433
        "linkedIn": {
            "connections": 500,
            "score": 48,
            "verifiedOn": 1512764190356
        "reddit": {
            "createdOn": 1460421184000,
            "score": 5,
            "verifiedOn": 1502228502704
        "blockscore": {
            "document": "ssn",
            "score": 100,
            "verifiedOn": 1510957768433
        "dwolla": {
            "createdOn": 1504638397323,
            "accounts": 1,
            "score": 43,
            "verifiedOn": 1504642798327
        "coinbase": {
            "createdOn": 1404766971000,
            "score": 10,
            "verifiedOn": 1532143480316
    "payments": {
        "credoWallet": true,
        "coinbase": true
    "memberSince": 1482750938147

The meaning of the properties in the above object is as follows:

Property Type Description
handle object User's Credo ID and it's status; status can be one of the following values: [valid, deactivated, suspended]
profile <Profile>? User's public profile
reputation <Reputation> An object describing user's reputation
verifications [Verification]? An array of user's verifications
payments object? An object containing a set of payments methods available to the user
memberSince timestamp Unix timestamp (in seconds) of when the user created their account with the provider

User Profile

User's public profile object has the following form:

  "name": {
    "first": "Alex",
    "Last": "K"
  "picture": {
    "source": "facebook",
    "updatedOn": 1493840810506,
    "fullUrl": "https://...",
    "thumbUrl": "https://..."
  "location": {
    "country": "us",
    "region": "California",
    "city": "Los Angeles"
  "age": {
    "years": 25
  "gender": "female"

The meaning of the properties in the above object is as follows:

Property Type Description
name object An object containing the user's name. The first name will always be present; the last name may or may not be present based on user's privacy settings.
picture object? An object containing URLs for user's profile pictures; may or may not be present based on user's privacy settings.
location object? An object containing user's location. May or may not be present based on user's privacy settings; when present, will always contain country element.
age object? An object containing user's age; may or may not be present based on user's privacy settings; when present, will always contain years element.
gender enum? User's gender. May or may not be present based on user's privacy settings. When present, can be one of the following values: [male, female, other]

User Reputation

User's reputation object has the following form:

  "score": 288,
  "quality": "good",
  "segments": {
    "identity": {
      "score": 99,
      "quality": "excellent",
      "verifications": 8
    "behavior": {
      "score": 77.09,
      "quality": "good",
      "transactions": 157,
      "transactors": 56,
      "ratings": 42,
      "reviews": 1
    "endorsements": {
      "score": 82,
      "quality": "good",
      "contacts": 12,
      "averageScore": 262,
      "reviews": 2

The meaning of the properties in the above object is as follows:

Property Type Description
score integer User's Credo Score; will be an integer in the range between 60 and 360
quality string Quality of user's reputation; can be one of the following values [provisional, poor, fair, good, excellent]
segments object An object containing summarized information about reputation segments: identity, behavior, and endorsements

User Verifications

User verifications are data elements that have been verified by Credo for the specified user. User object will contain an array of verification objects. The structure of verification objects is type-dependent, but all verifications will have a verifiedOn date (expressed in Unix timestamp). Possible verifications are listed below. This list can be expanded over time:

Verification Description
email The user has a verified email address
phone The user has a mobile phone with the number in the indicated country
facebook The user has a Facebook account with the indicated number of friends
linkedIn The user has a LinkedIn account with the indicated number of connections
reddit The user has a Reddit account with the indicated age (createdOn) and karma
twitter The user has a Twitter account with the indicated number of followers
blockscore The user has verified their Social Security number
dwolla The user has created a credo wallet and has verified the specified number of bank accounts
coinbase The user has verified ownership of a Coinbase account