
Practices On Leetcode

Primary LanguagePython


Practices On Leetcode

Segment Tree

  1. The Skyline Problem
  2. Range Sum Query - Mutable
  3. Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable
  4. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self
  5. Count of Range Sum
  6. Reverse Pairs
  7. Falling Squares
  8. Range Module
  9. My Calendar III
  10. Rectangle Area II
  11. Online Majority Element In Subarray
  12. Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended
  13. Find a Value of a Mysterious Function Closest to Target
  14. Minimum Number of Increments on Subarrays to Form a Target ArrayHard
  15. Create Sorted Array through Instructions


  1. CatandMouse


  1. Smallest Rotation with Highest Score

Tarjan Algorithm

  1. Critical Connections in a Network

Sliding Window

  1. Moving Stones Until Consecutive II

Merge Sort

  1. Reverse Pairs

Fenwick Tree

  1. Reverse Pairs

A star

  1. Cut Off Trees for Golf Event

Hierholzer's Algorithm

  1. Cracking the Safe


  1. Find All Good Strings