
This role installs OpenVPN, configures it as a server, sets up networking (either iptables or firewalld), and can optionally create client certificates.

Tested OSes:

  • Fedora 20/21
  • CentOS 6
  • Ubuntu trusty (14.04)

Should be working OSes:

  • All Fedora
  • CentOS 6/7
  • Ubuntu trusty & later


openvpn must be available as a package in yum/apt! For CentOS users, this means running yum install epel-release prior to running this playbook.

Ubuntu precise has a weird bug that might make the iptables-persistent install fail. There is a workaround.

Role Variables

openvpn_port: The port you want OpenVPN to run on. If you have different ports on different servers, I suggest you set the port in your inventory file.

openvpn_proto: The protocol you want OpenVPN to use (UDP by default)

openvpn_config_file: The config file name you want to use (By default openvpn_{{ openvpn_proto }}_{{ openvpn_port }}, located in vars/main.yml)


Does not depend on any other roles

Example Playbook

- hosts: vpn
    - {role: kyl191.openvpn, clients: [client1, client2],
                        openvpn_port: 4300}



Author Information

Written by Kyle Lexmond

Modified by Simon Elder Modified by Simon Elder