
Installing mongodb in Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageC++

MongoDB installation steps for Raspberry Pi

* Update your system to newest version :
> sudo apt-get update
* Install required libraries :
> sudo apt-get install build-essential libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev scons libboost-all-dev python-pymongo git
* Clone mongodbPi repo
> git clone https://github.com/hereshem/mongoPi.git
* Goto the directory
> cd mongoPi
* Run scons (this may take several hours) :
> sudo scons
* Run the installation codes (once again it also take few hours) :
> sudo scons --prefix=/opt/mongo install
* Permissions for users and groups : 
> sudo adduser --firstuid 100 --ingroup nogroup --shell /etc/false --disabled-password --gecos "" --no-create-home mongodb
* A folder for our log files to go : 
> sudo mkdir /var/log/mongodb/
* Permissions for log file :
> sudo chown mongodb:nogroup /var/log/mongodb/
* A folder for our state data :
> sudo mkdir /var/lib/mongodb
* Permissions for the folder : 
> sudo chown mongodb:nogroup /var/lib/mongodb
* Moving our init.d script to etc:
> sudo cp debian/init.d /etc/init.d/mongod
* Moving our config file to etc:
> sudo cp debian/mongodb.conf /etc/
* Linking folders up:
> sudo ln -s /opt/mongo/bin/mongod /usr/bin/mongod
* Make sure the init.d script is executable and complete the installation
> sudo chmod u+x /etc/init.d/mongod
> sudo update-rc.d mongod defaults
* We can now start MongoDB using the following command:
> sudo /etc/init.d/mongod start


  mongod - The database process.
  mongos - Sharding controller.
  mongo  - The database shell (uses interactive javascript).


  mongodump         - MongoDB dump tool - for backups, snapshots, etc..
  mongorestore      - MongoDB restore a dump
  mongoexport       - Export a single collection to test (JSON, CSV)
  mongoimport       - Import from JSON or CSV
  mongofiles        - Utility for putting and getting files from MongoDB GridFS
  mongostat         - Show performance statistics

Reference : http://c-mobberley.com/wordpress/2013/10/14/raspberry-pi-mongodb-installation-the-working-guide/