react-ecommerce by

How to start working

  1. Fork this repo and clone it locally. Click here to fork this repo.
  2. Fix the issue
  3. Create Pull Request to this repository

How to run app locally

First install the node dependencies

npm i

and then run the app locally with

npm run dev:frontend
npm run dev:backend

then go to http://localhost:3000

Once you're running locally, start working on these issues first.

To make working with Tailwind easy, we recommend you install TailwindCSS Intellisense in VSCode to add autocomplete + linting.


This project was built using

  • Vite
  • TailwindCSS
  • React

How to get help?

The best way is to ask a question in our Discord community. Please consider joining:

How to support us?

If you found the project helpful and would like us to make more projects like this - please consider supporting us.

We offer premium services for this project. If you decide to use those, you will both get extra value out of the project and at the same time you will give us motivation to keep going to create even better projects.

  • Video guide of either me or @sbmsr going through all the issues and fixing them following the industry best practices - $15
  • Video guide + pull request reviews bundled together - $30

You can purchase those here: