NOTE: Latest dotfiles can be found on Gitlab.
Develop using just the terminal with the very best tools. iTerm2, Tmux, NeoVim, and Zsh come together to create a solid development environment. Designed to be flexible and powerful.
Based on the A Modern Terminal Workflow blog series where I walk you step-by-step how the core of these dotfiles were written.
This is intended to set up a developers environment from the ground up.
Running will replace your zsh profile, vim/NeoVim settings and tmux settings. Run at your own risk.
Be sure your Xcode and Xcode command line tools are installed and up to date.
- Get This Repo
git clone ~/dotfilez
- Run Init
bash ~/dotfilez/
- Restart your terminal
- Load iTerm2 Preferences from
Get started in your project dir with nvim
and enjoy!