
This is a quick practice using Sinatra and showing how simple you can begin creating a REST API and respond with a JSON format, initially it does not use any database, but we would see if that is expanded later

Primary LanguageRuby

Sinatra JSON API architecture

This Sinatra architecture uses the Modular application style, which means that the app_file uses the Sinatra::Base for subclassing, if you want to enable or disable any settings, please do so using the BaseController.

For more information please visit the section called

Modular vs. Classic Style

By following this official Sinatra page

And the application uses the rerun gem to allow quick reloads when any of the Ruby files are modified

├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── README.md
├── app.rb
├── config
│   └── puma.rb
├── config.ru
└── controllers
    ├── authorized_controller.rb
    ├── base_controller.rb
    ├── invoices_controller.rb
    ├── patients_controller.rb
    └── versions_controller.rb


  • Rerun
  • Sinatra
  • Ruby 3.2.2
  • Puma


We implemented a very basic Authorization layer, which is basically an env variable check, so you need to export the following env varible in your terminal before running the puma server

export AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN='token-authorization'

At present, the root path (/) bypasses the authorization layer. However, both the 'invoices' and 'patients' controllers do utilize it. Therefore, when making a POST request to create a new invoice, ensure that you include the appropriate authorization header in your request.

Authorization: token-authorization 

How to run the project in development

  1. bundle install
  2. Set the following env variables
export AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN='token-authorization'
  1. Run the application for development
rerun --pattern="**/*.{rb}" "bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb"
  1. Visit http://localhost:3000

Some of the existing endpoints

Public endpoint

Authenticated endpoints: