How to use

  • Clone the repository with git clone
  • Copy .env.example file to .env and edit database credentials there
  • Run composer install
  • Run php artisan key:generate
  • Run php artisan migrate --seed (it has some seeded data for your testing)
  • Run php artisan serve
  • That's it: launch the main laravel server URL.
  • You can login to adminpanel by going go /admin/login URL and login with credentials - secret or go to /user/login user - secret

Screenshot page

-Home homeadmin login -Cart cart -Dummy Checkout checkout dummy -Detail User in Dashboard Admin detail user in dashboard admin -List User in Dashboard Admin list user in dashboard admin -Login login -Order Detail order detail -Profile User profile user -Register register -Register (2) register2 -Activate User in Dashboard Admin activate user in dashboard admin