LinkFolio Page


A sleek, minimalist landing page that connects your audience to all of your online presences.

Want your own LinkFolio page? Simply install it from this template: 🔗LinkFolio.


🚀 Built with Next.js for optimal performance

💅 Styled using TailwindCSS for a modern look

🛠️ Easy configuration to add or remove links


  1. Clone the repository: git clone

  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd my-linkfolio

  3. Install dependencies: pnpm install

  4. Start the development server: pnpm dev

Visit http://localhost:3000 to see the app running.


Edit app/user.config.ts:

const userConfig = {
  avatarSrc: "/assets/avatar.webp",
  avatarAlt: "Avatar",
  fullName: "Your Name",
  alias: "@your_alias",
  socialNetworks: [
      url: "{your_alias}",
      iconSrc: githubIcon,
      title: "GitHub",
      description: "Open-source contributions",