"MERN Stack Course"

13 Chapters

DB test.employees { "_id": { "$oid": "6375ddd7f288faa593081213" }, "username": "admin", "active": "true", "password": "$2a$12$YfmEjMZ9EVBbpJGSG3JNX.C8PwmBdPdqavqI660gFvfkDFXo1ZAcS", "roles": [ "admin" ] }

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👋 Hello, I'm Dave Gray.

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🚀 This repository shares ALL of the resources referenced during the MERN Project tutorial series.

🎓 Academic Honesty

DO NOT COPY FOR AN ASSIGNMENT - Avoid plagiarism and adhere to the spirit of this Academic Honesty Policy.

💡 Suggested Pre-requisites for this course:

📚 MERN Stack References

📚 Middleware References

📚 React Router References

📚 Other React Dependencies

📚 Other Node.js REST API Dependencies

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