Besides being the most delicious fish in the world and one of the signature Japanese dishes, unagi
can also help you navigate through the public or internal data release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Subaru Strategic Program (SSP; also known as the HSC survey) -- an ambitious multi-band deeep photometric survey using the awesome prime-focus camera on the 8.2m Subaru telescope.
Also, unagi
does not stand for anything because forced acronym is for psychopath.
If you want to learn more about the real unagi, you can check out this video on Youtube. And here is a vlog about a famous unagi place I have tried: Obana 尾花. It is pretty close to downtown Tokyo and few statioins away from Kavli-IPMU.
If you want to learn more about this amazing food, just try import unagi; unagi.unagi()
in your Jupyter
- 06/03/2019: Support for HSC PDR2 is added (need more tests)
- The schema of all tables in the
reruns are available inunagi/data/
folder as a.json
- The schema of all tables in the
- 06/04/2019: New features: and
- Help you get important information about HSC camera (e.g. CCD QE, primary mirror reflectivity) and filters (e.g. transmission curves, absolute AB magnitude of Sun in each filter etc.).
- 06/06/2019: New features: add hsc_check_coverage() method to check if a coordinate is covered by one HSC
. See here for example.
- Using HSC sky object to characterize residual background
Directly download data products from HSC pipeline (e.g., coadded
or source catalogs) -
Access to HSC weak-lensing shape catalog
Access to HSC random catalog
Reproduce the
python install
orpython develop
will do the job.- Right now,
only supportsPython>=3
. If you are still usingPython 2
, you should make the switch. unagi
only depends onnumpy
, andmatplotlib
. All can be installed usingpip
I promisehope that documents will be available soon...but right now, please take a look at the Jupyter Notebook demos for each functionality.
Thanks the HSC collaboration for making this amazing survey happen and make these beautiful data available. Also thank the good people at NAOJ who work tirelessly to prepare the data release.
If you notice a bug in unagi
(and you will~), please file an detailed issue at:
If you would like to request a new feature, do the same thing.
Copyright 2019 Song Huang and contributors.
is free software made available under the MIT License. For details see
the LICENSE file.