
Primary LanguageGroovy

Jenkins shared library

Function reference


This function leverages the kubernetes plugin for Jenkins. It deploys a podTemplate and containers. Parameters:

  • ocContainers: A list of containers to deploy, specified by the image name in openshift.
  • ocContainersWithProps: A Map with the container name as the key and values of the container tag, privileged (true/false) and the command to run.
  • openshift_namespace: The namespace openshift runs in. Defaults to continuous-infra.
  • docker_repo_url: The url of the docker repository. Defaults to docker-registry.default.svc:5000.
  • podName: The name of the pod that gets deployed. Defaults to generic-${UUID.randomUUID().toString()}.
  • openshift_service_account: The openshift service account. Defaults to jenkins.
  • jenkins_slave_image: The jnlp image to use. You must specify image:tag. Defaults to jenkins-continuous-infra-slave:stable.
deployOpenShiftTemplate(containers: ['rpmbuild-container'], openshift_namespace: 'default')


This function wraps the whole pipeline in a try/catch/finally block while accepting parameters to initialize and tear down the pipeline. Parameters:

  • buildPrefix: A prefix to set that describes the build. This is mainly used for metrics.
  • package_name: If building a package like an RPM set this to its name. e.g. 'vim'
  • errorMsg: A fedMsgError to send on pipeline failure.
  • completeMsg: A fedMsgComplete to send on pipeline completion.
  • decorateBuild: A Closure that decorates the build such as the function decoratePRBuild()
  • preBuild: A closure that contains pre build steps.
  • postBuild: A Closure that contains any post build steps. e.g. ArtifactArchiver step.
  • timeout: Set to time the pipeline out after timeout minutes. Defaults to 30.
  • sendMetrics: Whether to send metrics to influxdb. true or false.
ciPipeline(buildPrefix: 'myrpmbuilder', decorateBuild: {currentBuild.displayName: 'env.BUILD_ID'})


This function executes a script in a container. It's wrapped by handlePipelineStep. Parameters:

  • containerName: The name of the container to use. This corresponds to the container name set in deployOpenShiftTemplate.
  • containerScript: The shell command to run.
  • stageVars: A Map containing the environment variables to pass to the container.
  • loadProps: Properties to load from a previously run stage. This accepts a list of stage names and will load a properties file from ${stageName}/job.props.
  • credentials: Credentials to pass to the container as environment variables. This accepts a list of credentials loaded from Jenkins
executeInContainer(containerName: 'rpmbuild-container', containerScript: 'echo success', stageVars: ['var1': 'val1'],
                        credentials: credentials)


Jenkins job to listen for changes to a container, build the image and tag it with the PR #.

stageTrigger(containers: ['rpmbuild', image-compose'], scheduledJob: 'fedora-rawhide-build')


Pipeline metrics are collected throughout the run of a pipeline when using the handlePipelineStep and ciPipeline libraries. These two libraries will collect basic metrics that include:

  • Total build time
  • Stage run time
  • Build number
  • Project name
  • Time spent in build queue

In addition to the default collected metrics, you can send custom metrics to Influxdb by calling the writeToInflux library.

writeToInflux(customData: ['build_time': 100], customDataMap: ['mybuild': ['build_time': 100]])

After the pipeline finishes, the ciPipeline library will send all collected metrics to Influxdb.

Example Usage:

package_name = env.CI_MESSAGE['name']
msgHeader = fedMsgHeader(branch: 'fed_repo', topic: '/fedMsgTopic', username: 'currentUser')
msgComplete = fedMsgComplete(header: header)
msgError = fedMsgError(header: header)

// containers to be deployed
containers = ['rpmbuild', 'singlehost-test']

// deploy an openshift pod template with containers
deployOpenShiftTemplate(containers: containers) {

    /* wrap the whole pipeline in a try/catch block
       this will also handle:
       - sending a complete and error fed msg
       - archving artifacts
       - sending pipeline metrics to influxdb
    ciPipeline(buildPrefix: 'package-builds', completeMsg: msgComplete, errorMsg: msgError, package_name: package_name) {
        stage('koji-build') {
            // wrap the stage in extra debugging information.
            // plus time how long it takes to run the stage
               executeInContainer(containerName: 'koji-build-container, containerScript: 'verify-build.sh')
        stage('package-tests') {
            // define variables that will be used by the container singlehost-test
            stageVars = [repo: 'myrepo', test-all: true]
                executeInContainer(containerName: 'singlehost-test, containerScript: 'package-tests.sh',
                stageVars: stageVars)
