
citations for middleman using bibtex

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Codeship Status for gabysbrain/middleman-citation

This is an extension for the Middleman static site generator that adds functions you can use in your templates for formating citations from BibTeX.

An example of a Middleman template using this plugin is available at https://github.com/gabysbrain/website/blob/master/source/cv.html.slim.


Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'middleman-citation'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install middleman-citation


In your config.rb file for your site add:

require 'middleman-citation'

activate :citation do |opts|
  opts.bibtex = '/path/to/your.bib' # path to a bibtex file
  opts.style  = 'ieee'              # style from citeproc-styles
  opts.format = 'html'              # output format


This adds the following helper methods you can use in your Middleman templates.

  • citations_search(search_term, author): Search the BibTeX file for all citations matching a search term (such as '@article') and by the given author. The author argument can be ommitted to match all authors and a search_term of nil will match all items in the bibliography.

  • citation(key): Given a BibTeX citation key as returned from citations_search, return a formatted string the citation according to how the style and format options were set.

For extra control on the output, one can use:

  • citation_entry(key): Return the unformatted entry (a hash) corresponding to the BibTeX citation key.

  • citation_formatted(entry): Format an unformatted entry.

In fact the citation method is implemented using these:

def citation(key)
  entry = citation_entry(key)

The point is that one can interrogate the unformatted entry to add extra formatting: The following code adds a DOI link if the entry matching the key has a URL field containing the DOI.

entry      = citation_entry(key)
entry_html = citation_formatted(entry)
if doi_url = entry.fetch('URL', false) then
  doi_link = "(%s)" % link_to('doi', doi_url)
[entry_html, doi_link].compact.join(' ')


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request