A small Go package providing a concurrent queue, on which consumers can wait for an item satisfying a given condition, and producers can add items to wake consumers.
Run go get hermannm.dev/condqueue
to add it to your project!
In the example below, we have a simple message, which can either be of type success or error. A producer goroutine adds messages to the queue, while two consumer goroutines wait for a message type each.
import (
type Message struct {
Type string
Content string
func main() {
queue := condqueue.New[Message]()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Producer
go func() {
fmt.Println("[Producer] Adding success message...")
queue.Add(Message{Type: "success", Content: "Great success!"})
fmt.Println("[Producer] Adding error message...")
queue.Add(Message{Type: "error", Content: "I've made a huge mistake"})
// Consumer 1
go func() {
fmt.Println("[Consumer 1] Waiting for success...")
msg, _ := queue.AwaitMatchingItem(context.Background(), func(candidate Message) bool {
return candidate.Type == "success"
fmt.Printf("[Consumer 1] Received success message: %s\n", msg.Content)
// Consumer 2
go func() {
fmt.Println("[Consumer 2] Waiting for errors...")
msg, _ := queue.AwaitMatchingItem(context.Background(), func(candidate Message) bool {
return candidate.Type == "error"
fmt.Printf("[Consumer 2] Received error message: %s\n", msg.Content)
This gives the following output (the order may vary due to concurrency):
[Consumer 2] Waiting for errors...
[Producer] Adding success message...
[Producer] Adding error message...
[Consumer 2] Received error message: I've made a huge mistake
[Consumer 1] Waiting for success...
[Consumer 1] Received success message: Great success!
For more details on how to use condqueue
, refer to the