
A template code generation framework for Rainbow

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



Leprechaun is a universal, open API for code generation from Rainbow serialized Sitecore templates. Leprechaun uses state-of-the-art Roslyn code generation technology instead of T4 templates for speedy generation that doesn't require Visual Studio.

Why should I use Leprechaun?

It's Really Flexible

Leprechaun uses C# Script files as templates. If you're familiar with C#, it's a breeze. Out of the box, a Synthesis script file is provided, but it can easily be adapted to generate templates Glass, Fortis, or more! The template is essentially a big StringBuilder that you can build out however you like and Leprechaun will fill in the rest.

It Can Be Run at Build-Time

Sick of trying to resolve merge conflicts in gigantic model files? You don't need to do that anymore with Leprechaun. The outputted model files don't have to be checked into source control at all!

Why not?

Leprechaun generates models based off of the yaml files outputted by Rainbow. Since these yaml files are on disk already, there's no need for Sitecore to be running or for Visual Studio to be open in order to generate the models. Without these dependencies, you can generate models as a pre-build step.

It's Helix-Friendly

Most everything in Leprechaun is config-based. The base Leprechaun.config file contains everything needed for Leprechaun to get started for a single project. However, these configs can be extended and overridden. For each module you have, create a CodeGen.config file and have it extend another config.

For example, a module named Feature.Promo would contain a CodeGen.config file like this:

<configuration name="Feature.Promo" extends="Sample.Base">


For more information, See this part of the Leprechaun.config file and check out this Kam Figy blog post (for Unicorn, but the technique is the same).

Getting Started

Ok, you're convinced. Now how do you set it up?

Downloading Leprechaun

There are two ways to download Leprechaun:

  1. The best way to download it is via the Leprechaun-VERSION.zip file under Assets from the latest release.
  2. Alternatively, it is available on NuGet


Leprechaun is a build tool. As such, once downloaded you can put it wherever you want in the project. For example, on my projects, I will extract the contents of the zip folder into (project root)\lib\tools\Leprechaun.

Note: Leprechaun is a build tool. Nothing in this folder should be deployed to the web server.

Initial Configuration

Once extracted, copy the Leprechaun.config file somewhere close to the source code. In Helix solutions, I would recommend src/.

Open up Leprechaun.config and update settings where applicable. Pay close attention to the following:

  1. <configurations import=".....">
    • This line is going to tell Leprechaun where to look for additional configurations, typically for modules. Wildcards accepted.
    • For Helix solutions: .\*\*\code\CodeGen.config should work.
  2. <configuration name="Sample.Base">
    • Recommend changing this to [SolutionName].Base
  3. <codeGenerator scripts="..." outputFile="...">
    • scripts are the CSX templates that will be used. Currently, Synthesis and Habitat (Constants.csx) examples are provided.
    • outputFile - I recommend $(configDirectory)\$(layer)\$(module)\code\Templates.cs for Habitat
  4. <dataStore physicalRootPath="...">
    • folder where Rainbow YAML files are.
    • For Helix solutions: $(configDirectory)\$(layer)\$(module)\serialization should work
  5. <templatePredicate rootNamespace="Sample.$(layer).$(module)">
    • Replace Sample with the appropriate namespace

Now that the base configuration is setup, it's time to install the module-level configs. Create a config file in each module that contains a configuration name in the format Layer.Module and have it extend the base configuration (Step 2 from the Initial Configuration section).


<configuration name="Feature.Promo" extends="Sample.Base">


Inside this config block, you can override any configurations from the main configuration file. The majority of the time, this won't be necessary.

Note: Leprechaun.config is NOT a file that gets deployed to the web server. It's purely used in build.


There are a few ways possible you can integrate Leprechaun.

  1. You can integrate it directly into your build as a pre-build event. Example:
    <PreBuildEvent>$(SolutionDir)\lib\tools\Leprechaun\Leprechaun.console.exe /c $(SolutionDir)\src\Leprechaun.config</PreBuildEvent>
  1. You can integrate it into your build scripts - example: you can wrap it in a gulp task
  2. You can create a project target
<Target Name="Leprechaun">  
    <Exec Command="$(SolutionDir)\lib\tools\Leprechaun\Leprechaun.console.exe /c $(SolutionDir)\src\Leprechaun.config"/>  


Leprechaun has the ability to watch the yaml files and automatically regenerate models when there's a change. Run Leprechaun with the /w switch to turn this on