PHP IDMask Mini

PHP IDMask Mini is a test project to determine the performance one might expect from using AES-128-ECB to obfuscate 64bit integers, typically database IDs etc. It's based on ideas from the Java IDMask library and is not intended for actual use.

Only 8 byte integer value masking/unmasking is implemented.


PHP IDMask Mini obfuscates a 64-bit integer by producing a 128-bit AES block encoded in Base64url.

  • Masking: The primary function of this code is to mask the value of the ID and keep it deterministic.
  • Validation: Upon decryption, the first part of the code (which is a pre-agreed static 64bit value) is checked for consistency. It should NOT be regarded an authentication mechanism.





$masked = mask($key, $ck, $testValue);
printf("Masked:   %s\n", $masked);
printf("Expected: %s\n", $testVector);

$unmasked = unmask($key, $ck, $testVector);
printf("Unmasked: %s\n", $unmasked);


$ php test.php
Input:    1234567901
Masked:   _tUK-o3a4N713zdVj60yEQ
Expected: _tUK-o3a4N713zdVj60yEQ
Unmasked: 1234567901

In this test, the first part is a pre-agreed static 64bit value and the second part is the actual encrypted part. When decrypted, you can check that the first part is correct and get some level of validation.

Even after decryption, the value should be treated like regular unsanitized user input!


Benchmark result screenshot

Benchmark Subject Set Revs Its Mem Peak Mode Rstdev
MaskUnmaskBenchmark benchMask 10000 5 633.736kb 2.994μs ±0.97%
MaskUnmaskBenchmark benchUnmask 10000 5 633.736kb 4.006μs ±0.94%
MaskUnmaskBenchmark benchMaskAndUnmask 50000 5 633.744kb 7.053μs ±0.70%
MaskUnmaskBenchmark benchHashing 10000 5 633.736kb 1.991μs ±1.07%

mask() and unmask() are quite performant, only roughly 2x the speed of a simple HMAC-SHA-256 operation (benchHashing) and shouldn't cause issues unless called thousands of times per second.

Running benchmarks

You can run benchmarks by running

./vendor/bin/phpbench run bench.php  --report=aggregate

It is possible to create baselines and compare to them. An initial baseline is included in the repo and you can compare runtimes to it by running

./vendor/bin/phpbench run bench.php  --report=aggregate --ref=initial


This test project is intended for evaluating the performance of ID value obfuscation by masking using encryption and is not a replacement for actual encryption.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.