
Primary LanguageHTML

web-app Codeship Status for CSE112-GoldTeam/web-app

First Run

  1. Setup Account with mLab

  2. Copy mongoDB access point into app.js:

     $ var mongoURI = process.env.MONGOLAB_URI || 'YOUR MONGODB CONNECTION ON mLAB';
  3. Install Node.js

  4. Navigate to the root directory

  5. Install npm dependencies:

     $ npm install
     $ npm install --global gulp
  6. Use gulp to run the application

  7. Navigate your browser to http://localhost:4000

Push to testing environment

  1. Simply push your experimental changes to the develop branch.
  2. Changes may be view on the staging site.

Logging in as Peter

In order to login as peter, use the following credentials

username: peter@enque.com
password: peter

The live app can be found here.

Slack Integration can be found here


username: gev@ucsd.edu
password: teamfubar

Access to CI platform on Codeship

Go to the Codeship website. Use the following credentials:

username: gev@ucsd.edu
password: teamfubar

Click the restart button on the latest build to rebuild it.