To build the bot: javac -classpath pircbot.jar:. *.java To use the bot: java -classpath pircbot.jar:. TelnechoBotMain <irc server> <channel> <botnick> The bot opens up a port on 6969 to listen for messages. To send a message to the bot you need to telnet to port 6969 on whatever host the bot is running on and send the following command: MSG <LEVEL> <MESSAGE> <LEVEL> can be any of the pre-defined levels and they tell the bot what color to post the message with. The levels are: INFO - normal WARN - yellow ERR - red CRIT - red RED - red GREEN - green BLUE - blue YELLOW - yellow <MSG> is the message you are trying to send. So to send a red message: MSG RED This is my message. You can use telnet/echo commands to send the message which you can do with: echo "MSG RED This is my message" | telnet hostname 6969 You can also use this bash trick(doesn't work on debian/ubuntu bash, at least it used to not): cat "MSG RED This is my message" > /dev/tcp/hostname/6969