To run this code, just download the repository or the tag
Go to the beagle-backend-kotlin repository root folder and run the backend with the command: ./gradlew bootRun
Here is the project scructure fullscreen with the structure as follows:
- android_fullscreen
- beagle_components
- flutter_module
- ios_fullscreen
Open the Android module with Android studio and run it to view the result.
Open the iOS module with Xcode, and run it to view the result.
- This example shows a fullscreen beagle screen using a flutter module.
- The ios/android module is using the flutter module as dependency and it compiles every time you run your native platform app.
- Flutter uses Method channels to emmit/receive data from other platforms, and its being shown on the examples.
- Also to make beagle inform things to the native code, you can create a custom action to pass the data to the method channel and subscribe to it on your native code. Here is the flutter doc Flutter Method Channels
[Your Native APP Android/IOS] -> flutter module -> beagle_components -> beagle
This is a work in progress sample that can be found here prebuilt_module