LightRPC: An easy, simple and effective JSON-RPC
2 client for PHP.
This client was designed inspired by the Javascript project LightRPC.
This project main objective is to communicate with STEEM blockchain JSON-RPC servers. It was made simple
enough to fit any JSON-RPC
2 service but default values are intended to make it easy on STEEM.
Dead simple:
composer require hernandev/light-rpc
Dead simple, chose one:
// alias.
use LightRPC\Client;
// start a client instance.
$client = new Client('');
// call it.
$response = $client->call('follow_api', 'get_follow_count', ['hernandev']);
// alias.
use LightRPC\Client;
use LightRPC\Request;
// start a client instance.
$client = new Client('');
// create a request instance.
$request = new Request('follow_api', 'get_follow_count', ['hernandev']);
// send it.
$response = $client->send($request);
Dead simple, chose one:
// wanna check for errors?
// use the magic result getters.
$response->account; // 'hernandev'
$response->follower_count; // 123
$response->following_count; // 123
// OR
// use a get method:
$response->get('account'); // 'hernandev'
$response->get('follower_count'); // 123
$response->get('following_count'); // 123
// OR
// get all result OR error data:
$response->data(); // [ 'account' => 'hernandev', 'following_count' => 123, 'follower_count' => 123]
$response->get(); // [ 'account' => 'hernandev', 'following_count' => 123, 'follower_count' => 123]
// OR
// If you are a boring person, just get the full response as array.
$response->toArray(); // [ 'jsonrpc' => '2.0', 'id' => 0, 'result' => ['foo' => 'bar']]
// You are really boring you know, wanna as JSON string?
(string) $response; // '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"result":{...}}