
Zodium: OOP wrapper for PHP 7.2+ Sodium Extension (libsodium).

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Zodium is an object-oriented wrapper for the libsodium bindings of PHP.

The name Zodium is due the fact of this extension being developed with Zephir.

The original sodium extension is still required, Zodium does not bind the C library, this extension is a wrapper for the already existing, non-OOP extension.


The library aims to be really easy to use.

// alias the GenericHash class.
use Zodium\Hash\GenericHash;

// start a key-less hasher instance.
$hasher = new GenericHash();

// hash a value without a hashing key.
$hash = $hasher->hash('foo');
// string(64) "93a0e84a8cdd416626...

// generate a hashing key.
$key = GenericHash::generateKey();
// string(64) "62009feb496f0...

// start a new hasher with the hashing key.
$hasher = new GenericHasher($key);

$hash = $hasher->hash('foo');
// string(64) "714ee3a37cf69bb3aee17...

// start a custom length hash output instance.
$hasher = new GenericHash($key, 64);
$hash = $hasher->hash('foo');
// string(128) "d94315288e268d813e...

// multi-part signature..

// get the final hash from the parts included.
$hash = $hasher->hash();
// aliases.
use Zodium\AEAD\Cipher;

// start a AEAD cipher instance on the ChaCha20-Poly1305 construction.
$cipher = new Cipher('CHACHA20POLY1305');

// get a private secret key.

// encrypt the secret data with some associated public data.
$encryptedPayload = $cipher->encrypt('message', 'associated-data');

// decrypt the original message from the payload.
$original = $cipher->decrypt($encryptedPayload);

// aliases.
use Zodium\SecretBox\SecretBox;
use Zodium\SecretBox\EncryptedPayload;

// generate a secret key for use with the SecretBox.
$key = SecretBox::generateSecretKey();

// start a SecretBox instance.
$box = new SecretBox($key);

// encrypt some data, and receive a EncryptPayload instance as return.
$payload = $box->encrypt('some-data-as-string');

// encode the payload for transmission or storage:
$payloadString = $payload->encode();

// reverse the payload from string into instance.
$payload = EncryptedPayload::decode($payloadString);

// decrypt.
$originalData = $box->decrypt($payload);

// extras:
// you can encrypt any serializable value on PHP.
$payload = $box->encrypt(new Datetime());
// the value will be unserialized back on the original type!.
$dateTimeInstance = $box->decrypt($payload);


Current features to be included are:

  • Constant-time helpers and safe evaluation of sensitive values.
  • Public-key Encryption.
  • Stand-alone message authentication.
  • Bind Zephir optimizers to calls on the libsodium directly.
  • Documentation
  • .phpt tests.