
Programming problems to solve

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kattis Phone List Problem

About The problem see here

  • Javascript
  • Attention to Memory Limit
  • Attention to time Limit
  • To resolve performance I could not use new commands like map, reduce or sort (they are too slow)
  • Use massive of console.time to inspect performance


The code

  • Click here to see the code


  1. Clone repo with git

    git clone https://github.com/hernanif1/kattis.git
  2. Install npm packages

    npm install
  3. Run node, optionally with gulp

  4. Profit! (but probably not...)


There are 3 gulp tasks:

  • default - The other tasks will be executed
  • run - Will run solution once
  • watch - Watches files and calls run on changes



Here I Wrote my solution code in solution/solution.js. When you have your gulp task up and running, a file that can be submitted directly to kattis will be generated and placed in solution/submission.js.


solution/io-sets.js contains groups of inputs, and groups of expected output to check your solution against. Set output to a non-string to not compare the result with the expected output.


  • Use default gulp task, and submit submission.js when you're satisfied