
App de test para la creacion de una app movil con Maui

Primary LanguageC#

Country ISO MAUI App

This is a simple example of a mobile application built with .NET MAUI using the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) design pattern. The application demonstrates good practices for creating mobile apps with MAUI, focusing on consuming a REST API for countries based on the ISO specification.


  • MVVM Architecture: The app uses the MVVM pattern to separate the business logic from the UI, providing a clean and maintainable codebase.
  • REST API Integration: It consumes a REST API that returns country details using ISO standards for country codes.

Libraries and Tools

The app utilizes the following .NET MAUI native libraries:

These libraries help in improving productivity by simplifying the implementation of common mobile app features, like UI controls and MVVM support.

How It Works

The application is focused on demonstrating the following key principles:

  1. MVVM Pattern:

    • The UI is entirely separate from the logic of the app, which resides in the ViewModels.
    • ViewModels interact with the REST API to fetch and manage data.
  2. REST API Consumption:

    • The app retrieves country data based on the ISO standard via a REST API.
    • It uses good practices for asynchronous calls, ensuring a smooth user experience with proper error handling.


The application is structured as follows:

  • Views: Contains the pages that define the UI of the app.
  • ViewModels: Contains the logic for binding the data to the UI.
  • Models: Represents the data objects that map to the ISO country data.

How to Build and Run

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/hernanjls/MauiCountryIso
  2. Restore the necessary NuGet packages:

    dotnet restore
  3. Build and run the project using Visual Studio or from the command line:

    dotnet build
    dotnet run