

  • Python 3.9.7
  • NumPy 1.19.5
  • Pandas 1.3.4
  • OpenCV 4.6.0
  • Matplotlib 3.6.2
  • Tensorflow 2.7.0
  • Keras 2.7.0
  • Tifffile 2022.10.10
  • Patchify 0.2.3
  • EMPatches 0.2.2


  • instancenormalization
  • smooth_tiled_predictions


How to use


Set the path to both images into the variables a_0 and b_0 for domain A and domain B, respectively. Define a new variable and call the function “generate_dataset”. This function will generate a dataset using patches extracted from both images. This function takes the following as input:

  • model_type: ‘2d’ for 2D-model or ‘3d’ for 3D-model.
  • images: a list containing both images (paths).
  • patch_shape: the size of a single patch
  • patch_step: the step size between patches. Aka ‘overlap’. Same as patch_shape for non-overlapping patches.
  • n_samples: number of patches per image.
  • seed_a: seed for image a
  • seed_b: seed for image b
  • shuffle_: boolean. Will shuffle the order of patches according to seed_a and seed_b. Set to True by default.


a = "/path_to_image_domain_A.tif"
b = "/path_to_image_domain_B.tif"

dataset = generate_dataset(model_type =2d’,
			images = [a, b],
			patch_shape = (64, 64),
			patch_step = 64,
			n_samples = 500, 
			seed_a = 27,
			seed_b = 57,
			shuffle_ = True)

The majority of models used in this project were trained using two images per domain. Just generate two different datasets, and then merge them with the function “merge_datasets”:

a_0: "/path_to_image_one_domain_a.tif"
a_1: "/path_to_image_two_domain_a.tif"

b_0: "/path_to_image_one_domain_b.tif"
b_1: "/path_to_image_two_domain_b.tif"

images_0 = [a_0, b_0]
images_1 = [a_1, b_1]

dataset_0 = generate_dataset(images = images_0)
dataset_1 = generate_dataset(images = images_1)

dataset = merge_datasets(datasets = [dataset_0, dataset_1],
				seed_a = 27, seed for dataset 0
				seed_b = 57, seed for dataset 1
				shuffle_ = True) # will shuffle datasets again. Useful if images are paired.

Train the model.

Call the function “train_model_2D” or “traing_model_3D” on a new variable. This function will take the following as input:

  • dataset: two dimensional array previously generated.
  • batch_size: set to 1 by default.
  • epochs: number of epochs.
  • save_freq: int.
training = train_model_2D(dataset = dataset,
                          batch_size = 1,
                          epochs = 100,
                          save_freq = 5)

Two folders will be generated in the working directory:

  • 'example_images’: will save sample prediction images during training every “save_freq” epochs.
  • ‘models’: will save two models every “save_freq” epochs, one for GeneratorAtoB and one for GeneratorBtoA. Once the training process is done, the execution time will be printed on the console and a “training_losses.csv” file, which keeps track of the different losses obtained during training, will be created in the working directory. These losses are saved four times per epoch.


2D models.

Use the function “predict_2D”.

prediction = predict_2D(input_image_path, # path to image
			   output_name, # output filename. Will be saved in the working directory.
			   model_path, # path to model (.h5 file)
			   patch_size, # size of patch (single value, square))

3D models.

Use the function “predict_3D”.

prediction = predict_3D(input_image_path,  # path to image
			    output_name, # output filename. Will be saved in the working directory.
	 		    model_path, # path to model (.h5 file)
			    patch_size, # size of patch (single value)
			    overlap_pct, # overlap percentage. Default set to 0.125 for 8 pix overlap for patch size 64.)

A .tif image called "output_name.tif" will be generated in the working directory.