
Simple PDF Viewer Using Pyside6 that can be run standalone or included in a larger program.

Primary LanguagePython

PySide6 PDF Viewer

Simple PDF viewer made with PySide6. Scoured the Internet for days and finally found a way to do it so here you go. If you want one using PyQt instead of Pyside, check out my other repository.

This repository has two viewers, one based on javascript and the other using the Chromium engine that is part of Pyside6. I'll let you decide who has the better implementation.


First, make sure you're running Python 3.10+

Download the latest releast and unzip the folder to somewhere on your computer. Then, open the folder containing my repository files, create a command prompt, and create a virtual environment:

python -m venv .

Activate the virtual environment:


Upgrade pip

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Install Dependencies

pip install PySide6==6.5.2

Unzip Javascript Files
⚠️ You must unzip the folder within the ZIP file to the same exact directory where the scripts are located.⚠️

Run Program

Javascript Version

python pyside6_pdfviewer_js.py

Non-Javascript Version

python pyside6_pdfviewer.py

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