
jump point search

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


luabinding for jps

see the Daniel Harabor's blog for detail: https://harablog.wordpress.com/2011/09/07/jump-point-search/

see the algorithm article for detail: http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~dharabor/data/papers/harabor-grastien-aaai11.pdf

how to use

local jps = require "jps"
local j = jps.new({     -- create 2D grid map
    w = 20,             -- width of map
    h = 20,             -- height of map
    obstacle = {        -- obstacle in map
j:set_start(0,0)        -- set start point
j:set_end(10,10)        -- set end point
j:add_block(1, 1)       -- set one obstacle point
j:add_blockset({        -- batch set obstacle points
j:clear_block(1,1)      -- clear one obstacle point
j:clear_allblock()      -- clear all obstacle
j:mark_connected()      -- mark map connected for speed up search path to unreachable point(now auto done by find_path)
j:dump_connected()      -- print connected mark of map
    find_path(path_type) : search for path from start to end, return the jump points list in table
    path_type: default 1
    OBS_CONNER_OK = 1 : the path can across conner diagonal grid
    OBS_CONNER_AVOID = 2 : avoid across conner diagonal grid
local path = j:find_path()
j:dump()                -- print map, if make with DEBUG, it will show the path result


make or make CFLAG="-DDEBUG" to dump the result path

testc need linux asan to check memory
yum install libasan

to do



1. mark_connected first to avoid unreachable point like astar.lua

  1. use bit calc to speed up jump point finding
__builtin_clz(((B->>1) && !B-) ||((B+>>1) && !B+))

3. mem use optimize

4. prune mid jump point

  1. final path optimize

map dump

mark connected