
In-Memory database final project (documentations, DDLs and APEX models)

Primary LanguagePLSQL


In-Memory database final project


  • requirement-analysis.md retells the origin requirements (via Mrs. Yuan).
  • logbook.md traces the progress of the project, including the model of tables and views, and debugging.
    No code but documentation here, see the SQL files below instead.
  • pages.md records the alias and relationships to the navigation bar of pages as seen in the project.


  • tables.sql is the original file provided by Dr. Bao which has passed basic tests.
  • additional-tables.sql supplements some tables that are not yet created but needed for the business logic. Triggers definition included.
  • additional-views.sql supplements some views that are not yet created but needed for the business logic.

APEX files

  • apex1.sql is an APEX model that was directly exported from the project after the final change.
  • DEPRECATED:apex.sql is an naiver version. Several bugs remain pended.