
Either update repository to support latest mkdocs-material version (5.x) or specify pre-5.x material pip installation

lugehorsam opened this issue · 2 comments

The current installation instructions result in an error when running mkdocs serve because of a breaking change to a recent version of mkdocs-material.

Specifically, I received this exception: jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: .icons/.svg

This is due to this 4.x -> 5.x breaking change:

I was able to successfully serve the docs using mkdocs-material-4.6.3.

Let me know which approach we'd like to take (I'd assume simply updating to 5.x) and I can go ahead and do that if you'd like.

Hey @lugehorsam. I think we should definitely update to the latest release of mkdocs and also the latest release of mkdocs-material if it has some kind of semi-official or improved support for code tabs. Would be great if you could tackle it 🙏