This code release contains an implementation of two relevance decomposition methods, Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) and Sensitivity Analysis (SA), for a bidirectional LSTM, as described in the paper Explaining Recurrent Neural Network Predictions in Sentiment Analysis by L. Arras, G. Montavon, K.-R. Müller and W. Samek, 2017
Note that our implementation is generic and can be easily extended to unidirectional LSTMs, or to other applications than NLP.
Python>=3.5 + Numpy + Matplotlib, or alternatively simply install Anaconda
Using Anaconda you can e.g. create a Python 3.6 environment: conda create -n py36 python=3.6 anaconda
Then activate it with: source activate py36
Before being able to use the code, you might need to run in the terminal: export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$pwd
The folder model/ contains a word-based bidirectional LSTM model, that was trained for five-class sentiment prediction of phrases and sentences on the Stanford Sentiment Treebank dataset, as released by the authors in Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP by J. Li, X. Chen, E. Hovy and D. Jurafsky, 2016
The folder data/ contains the test set sentences of the Stanford Sentiment Treebank, preprocessed by lowercasing, as was done in Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP by J. Li, X. Chen, E. Hovy and D. Jurafsky, 2016
The notebook run_example.ipynb provides a usage example of the code, its performs LRP and SA on a test sentence.
Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP by J. Li, X. Chen, E. Hovy and D. Jurafsky, 2016
Long Short Term Memory Units repo by W. Zaremba
Stanford Sentiment Treebank dataset by R. Socher et al., 2013
title = {Explaining Recurrent Neural Network Predictions in Sentiment Analysis},
author = {Leila Arras and Gr{\'e}goire Montavon and Klaus-Robert M{\"u}ller and Wojciech Samek},
journal = {arXiv},
number = {1706.07206},
year = {2017}