
Interface within Freebox API and Python

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Provide intialisation, connect and disconnect functions for Freebox OS application.


pip install fbxtools

Get started

Fbx class

from fbxtools.fbx import Fbx

Accept 3 arguments:

  • url (str) : Freebox OS API url's
  • app_infos (str) : filepath of app_infos file (default: 'app_infos.json')
  • app_auth (str) : filepath of app_auth file (default: 'app_auth.json')
  • verify_cert (bool or str) : disable SSL cert verification or get certfile path. (default True)

app_infos.json file

This file provide application informations. Must be created manually.

See http://dev.freebox.fr/sdk/os/login/#tokenrequest-object

example :

	"app_id": "fr.freebox.test",
	"app_name": "test",
	"app_version": "0.0.1",
	"device_name": "mycomputer"

app_auth.json file:

This file provide connect informations. Automatically generated with Fbx.get_app_token().

See http://dev.freebox.fr/sdk/os/login/#tokenrequest-object

example :

	"track_id": 6, 
	"app_token": "vfItuATAq8luiuDmo3ZeVVhb0Cv9uImxN2/VJRLa1rOjUsjkBxbEgPY9VwiwpSxq"

First use (Init app)

from fbxtools.fbx import Fbx

app = Fbx('http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/api/v3')
appToken, trackId = app.get_app_token()
print('[fbx] Press ">" on the dial of the Freebox')

## Optionnaly, you can verify your authorization status for your app.
import time

currentStatus = ''
attempt = 5
while attempt > 0:
	response = app.track_auth_progress(trackId)
	if response['data']['success']:
		currentStatus = response['data']['result']['status']
	if currentStatus == 'granted':
		print('[fbx] Your application got authorization !')
	print('[fbx] attempts remaining: ' + str(attempt) + 
		', status: ' + currentStatus)
	attempt -= 1

This function generated automatically 'app_auth.json' file. For Fbx.url argument, you can use:

example :

from fbxtools.utils import get_url_api
from fbxtools.fbx import Fbx

url_api = get_url_api()
app = Fbx(url_api)

Use this if you are on the same network as your freebox.

Call API.

from fbxtools.fbx import Fbx

app = Fbx('http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/api/v3')

def get_config():
	return {}

@app.api.call('/lcd/config', method='PUT')
def update_config(config):
	return {'data': config, 'is_json': True}

new_config = {	
	"brightness": 50,
	"orientation": 90,
	"orientation_forced": False

resp = get_config()